Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)

Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) by Ken Lozito Page B

Book: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) by Ken Lozito Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ken Lozito
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in the Coliseum came to their feet in unison echoing throughout the great space.
    The Falcons felt weightless and required little effort to wield. Aaron poured all feelings, his memories, his rage, and his love into the dance. Family and friends whose faces have come and gone throughout his life flashed in his mind, but he was ever mindful of Tarimus. Random thoughts and experiences flashed by until he saw a shadow of Bronwyn standing before him, her honey-brown eyes silently begging him not to forget her. Her rich dark hair was unkempt and her clothing was in taters, but was she alive? She opened her arms out to him and his throat tightened with the ache of regret. How could he have been such a fool. The love in his heart mocked him for what he tried to deny.
    The bladesong unleashed a melody that he had never heard before, but fit him the way no other action ever had. He put his heart and soul on the altar and hoped it was enough to appeal to the little humanity that was left in Tarimus. Communication conveyed without words but through raw emotion, the type of communion that can only be revealed through action. The stone facade that Tarimus wore framed around his cold lifeless black eyes began to shake.
    “What are you doing to me,” Tarimus demanded becoming disoriented. Covering his face with his hands in a feeble attempt at denial he cried, “What sorcery is this!”
    Truth. Life. That which you’ve forgotten. Aaron spoke the words in his mind and was in turn conveyed through the dance. The pure white light stretched out its brilliance to encompass all.
    Shaking from the struggle within, Tarimus peeled his hands from his eyes and with a guttural roar he charged, his dark sword attempting to swallow the light.
    Aaron stood his ground both blurring blades carried a motion too fast for his mind to track. Thinking at this point was an obstacle, it was his training and awareness unlocked through wielding the Falcons that saved him. The ability to let go, to trust his feelings and allow nature to take its course would determine this outcome. At last a final lesson preached by Reymius was understood, and no matter how hard he trained this lesson could not be learned in a sparring room. He engaged Tarimus, because there was no other choice, but in his heart he knew his fate lay with Tarimus upon these crossroads between the realms of Earth and Safanar, for Tarimus was the gatekeeper.
    Each swing of the blade was countered and Tarimus howled in rage, but no matter how hard he pressed he couldn’t break through the bladesong. Tarimus at last broke off his attack. Although Aaron stopped the bladesong the power that gathered did not dissipate, rather it stayed with him heightening his perceptions.
    “Your father never gave up on you,” Aaron said.
    “Are you still trying to save me boy,” said Tarimus. “Don’t speak to me of that fool boy, I have no father,” Tarimus spat.
    There was no audible snap within Aaron, but his thoughts and emotions coalesced with his own father’s demise. It was too fresh in his mind. Like thunder rumbling of a gathering storm, Aaron at last came for Tarimus. Aaron unleashed the power of the bladesong with each blow and Tarimus was thrown back unable to stand against such a force that went beyond the strength of his arms. Aaron’s blades cut him again and again, but no blood spilt forth from Tarimus. Their blades locked at the cross-sections and Aaron sent the dark blade spinning away. Sweeping out his leg Tarimus was brought to his knees. Aaron’s vision was hued in red with the blood rage, but he stopped poised to strike. He could strike Tarimus down with the power gathered and utterly destroy him, but he hesitated, something wasn’t right. If Tarimus dwelt between the realms of life and death then what could he possibly do? You can’t kill what should already be dead. He was battling a ghost. To destroy a soul was something he knew nothing about and if he did could he use that

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