River Deep

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Book: River Deep by Rowan Coleman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rowan Coleman
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of seeing Louise, had churned her up into all sorts of knots overnight and now she couldn’t explain the way she was feeling. ‘It’s almost like a first date feeling,’ she’d told Sarah when she’d picked her and the kids up that morning. ‘I’m dreading it, but I feel sort of fluttery and excited at the same time. Don’t ask me why but I just
that I have to do this, that it’s really going to change things.’
    Sarah had stopped dead in her tracks, causing Sam to stumble a little and Becca to walk into her back.
    ‘Maggie,’ she’d said, her voice low, ‘I’m not really sure how I got involved in this wild goose chase, but we’re going now – so fine. But listen, please. Get this into perspective. Your frankly weird insistence on getting a look at Christian’s new bird is not going to change anything. You seeing her is not going to make any difference. I’m sorry, mate, but you’re clearly insane and tough love is pretty much all I’ve got spare right now. Now let’s get this over with and get to the-fun-day-out-with-the-kids bit OK?’
    London Bridge station was practically empty, and as they walked out on to Tooley Street, only the few tourists who had decided that a Sunday morning was the best time to brave the London Dungeon were in the street.
    ‘Blimey,’ Becca said. ‘It’s like that zombie film when they have to go and hide in a shopping mall to stop getting eaten alive!’
    ‘Becca! When did you see a zombie film!’ Her mother asked her sharply.
    Becca rolled her eyes. ‘God, Mum, everyone watches eighteens at my age!’ She looked at Maggie for affirmation, but Maggie avoided her eyes, sensing that now was not the right time to back Becca up.
    ‘It’s across the road in The Galleria: there are a few shops and a café. I thought the kids could wait there while we go and take a peek?’ she asked Sarah, hoping she wouldn’t make her go on her own after all. Sarah shrugged and, taking Sam’s hand, crossed the empty street.
    After they had installed the children in the café with two large chocolate muffins and two hot chocolates topped with whipped cream, Sarah eyed them both sternly.
    ‘If either one of you moves an inch from here we’re going straight back home. No transport museum, no clothes shopping, nothing. OK?’
    Becca and Sam exchanged a look. ‘OK!’ they both agreed.
    Sarah looked at Maggie. ‘Right then. Five minutes. If we don’t see her by then I’m coming back here, all right?’
    Maggie took a deep breath and nodded.
    As she led Sarah out of the galleria, past the Riverside Bookshop and into the narrow back streets behind it, she felt her pulse quicken and her skin begin to fizz and tingle with nerves.
    ‘We spent ages looking for the right location,’ she told Sarah. ‘We wanted somewhere near to the heart of the City but with a bit of character, somewhere central but where the rent wouldn’t be astronomical. I found the building; it’s in a converted warehouse. A year ago it would have been out of our reach, but renting is really cheap right now. I even got them to give us a year’s lease, rent free. Of course we’ll have to make the business really work in that time. If we’re not established within twelve months they could just boot us out. A risk, but …’
    Maggie let her voice trail off, disconcerted by the sound of it bouncing off the high buildings and narrow cobbled streets. She stopped in her tracks and reached for Sarah’s arm.
    ‘There it is on the corner. Fresh Talent 2.’
    Just as she had specified to the glazier, the large windows had been fitted with rough-finished opaque glass, within which the Fresh Talent logo was picked out in smooth clear glass. With the huge glass and steel doors set into the Victorian arched doorway, it was just as she had imagined it. Classy. Contemporary, but not bland.
    ‘Ow!’ Sarah said with emphasis, and Maggie realised she had been gripping her arm rather tightly. ‘So what now? Are you going

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