Risky Business: (Taboo Romance Series) (Forbidden Fruit Book 3)

Risky Business: (Taboo Romance Series) (Forbidden Fruit Book 3) by Ali Parker Page A

Book: Risky Business: (Taboo Romance Series) (Forbidden Fruit Book 3) by Ali Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ali Parker
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me angrily. "I'm with Luke. He's going to be my husband one day and be the father to our kids. Not you. That ship sailed before I knew what a good man looked like."
    "Do you love him? Like you loved me? Like you still do?" I released her and forced myself to stay in place, though my entire body ached to be closer to her.
    "I don't love you. It was a silly fling and we were kids. Grow up."
    "I don't think so. I find it almost ironic that my brother happens to be dating the only girl I've ever loved."
    "That girl's dead, Caden. You made sure of that." She moved past me, brushing my shoulder and leaving me to drink in her words. She didn't mean a damn one of them. Of that, I had no doubt.

Chapter 15
    The only girl he'd ever loved?
    Pain radiated through my chest as I made my way back to the table and forced a tight facade into place. I sat down beside Luke and gave him a warm smile.
    "Sorry about that." I squeezed his hand and leaned over to kiss his cheek.
    "It's all right. You sure there isn't something I should know? If Caden is-"
    "He's not." I touched the side of Luke's face and leaned in for another kiss, this one on his lips. The memory of Caden's body pressed to mine, his soft lips against mine as he forced his tongue into my mouth left me wet and far more needy than I could remember being in years.
    "Hmmm... I love your kisses." Luke kissed me once more and moved back. He pulled out his phone as I settled back into my chair and tried not to look around for Caden. We would get through lunch and then I could go hide out in my office all afternoon. I would simply ask Luke if he could go to Texas with us. He might not agree to, but it was worth a try.
    "Well, shit. That's him. He said something came up and he'll see us later back at the office." Luke smiled and turned toward me. "I like it. Lunch with just the two of us. I'll be your welcoming committee any day."
    I chuckled and picked up my wine. "To a new adventure. May we take on the world together. You and me."
    "And my brother. Don't leave him out. He gets sensitive over that shit." He smirked and tapped his glass to mine.
    "And your brother." The only boy I've ever loved.
    I glanced up from my computer as someone tapped at the door. Caden. Awesome.
    "Hey. We have an emergency that I'm going to be working on for tomorrow. I guess one of our large clients had half of his investments with us and the other half with another firm. The other firm is under SEC investigation for insider trading. It was just announced. Time for us to slip in and steal the rest of their business. It's one of Perry's old accounts."
    "Sounds interesting." I kept my voice steady as if I were talking to Jeremy or anyone else at the firm.
    "Should be." He ran his fingers through his dark hair. "He asked that you join me in the presentation. The CEO of the company is a female, and with your wits and confidence, he thinks we can win the rest of their business."
    "All right. What do I need to do?" I stood up as excitement bubbled through me. Caden and I had a lot to work through, or forever ignore, but for the moment, I could let it go. I loved what I did enough to concentrate solely there for the time being.
    "Annie is pulling the files and they'll be laid out in conference room A in a few minutes. I know it's almost five, but I'll be pulling a late night tonight, trying to get it all together."
    "What time is the presentation?" I grabbed a notepad and a pen and walked toward him. I forced the memory of our kiss earlier out of my mind. It would do nothing but hurt me to go over how good it was, how right it felt.
    “It's at eight in the morning. This is going to be a ball-buster, but if we can pull it off, it'll be a great win for the firm." He moved back as I walked through the door.
    "Good thing you're the only one between the two of us that has balls." I walked into the conference room to find it empty. "Who else is working with us on the presentation?"
    "Zander will be.

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