Risen: The Demontouched Saga (Book 6)

Risen: The Demontouched Saga (Book 6) by Douglas Wayne Page A

Book: Risen: The Demontouched Saga (Book 6) by Douglas Wayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Douglas Wayne
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slightly with it elevated.
    “She’ll have to do.” Nancy was a much better healer, but Uriel should have enough in her to take care of this.
    The group of soldiers fans out behind us, creating a wall of bodies to protect us from another blast.
    We walk up to a spot under the bridges that looks like the command center. In reality it is four large moving trucks to create the walls with sandbags stacked up underneath to protect the bottom. In each corner there is a large circular table with piles of paperwork and a few maps scatted about, just the type of setup Nal is famous for.
    In the back of the command center I see Uriel kneeling in the corner, praying I assume. Nal walks up to the girl and whispers something in her ear. Her head jolts around revealing a large grin on her face when she sees me. Running in the little girl form that I’ve known, she nearly tackles me with a hug.
    “You survived,” she says before looking at Sara. “And you saved her too.”
    “Your brother didn’t make it easy.”
    She releases her grip on my waist, taking a few steps back to look me over. “Something is different about you,” she says with a look of concern in her eyes.
    I nod. “He took Eunie.” It’s taking all the self control in existence to keep a straight face. It was hard enough to talk to Sara about it and she knew what I was dealing with.
    “You’re kidding!” Nal says, plopping into a nearby chair. “What the hell are we supposed to do now?”
    “We still need to destroy the portal,” Uriel says, putting her arm around his shoulders. “You can’t give up now!”
    “But how?” he says with his head in his hands. “It was going to be hard enough before.”
    I take a seat next to him, resting my arm on the table. “Did you have all your explosives at the hotel when you blew it?” I already know the answer, but I need to get him out of his funk. The expression on his face slowly changes as the gears turn in his head.
    He looks at me, slight traces of a smile on his lips. “You know you are a lot smarter than you look.”
    “Easy to play dumb when you can move metal.”
    Nal walks over to the next table, pulling a pair of maps to the top. “You remember the hospital?”
    “Don’t tell me. You had bombs in it too?” I say, shaking my head.
    “Not there, dummy. Across the street,” he says, pointing to the spot on the map. “After the looters took everything else out of it, I used the movie theater as an extra armory of sorts.”
    “Let me guess. Rigged it up to blow if someone tried to break in.”
    “Bingo.” He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a pair of keys. He examines them one at a time before handing me a set of three on one ring. “It should be one of these.”
    “Should be?”
    “Just don’t jiggle the key too much,” he says. “And definitely don’t try to pick the lock.”
    “Sounds fun,” I say, placing them in my pocket. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
    I try to walk across the street down to my car, but stop when Uriel stands in my way.
    “Not like that you aren’t.”
    My shoulder.
    In all the excitement, I almost forgot it was hurt. Even with Eunie out of the picture, my blood pumps at the thought of doing something dangerous. It’s amazing how adrenaline alone can dull the pain of a wound like this.
    “I got this,” Nal says, walking over. “I’ve had to reset mine a few times.” He walks me to the side of one of the box trucks, pushing my back against the wall. “Sorry I don’t have anything for you to bite down on.”
    Before I can ask why, he thrusts his hand into the front of my shoulder. I feel a sharp stab of pain followed by a loud pop. It doesn’t take long for the pain to subside though it does start to tingle.
    “Thanks,” I say, rubbing the soreness out.
    Nal nods, taking a few steps back allowing Uriel to come close.
    “My turn,” she says, placing my shoulder in her hands. She looks over her shoulder as Nal takes the nearby people out

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