where to go and what to do.
You think they could because it’s your precious Robert who wants to lead them, Priscilla. Too bad he’s not a doctor.
Claire Johnson!
(full of himself)
She’s right, of course. Officers lead men and direct them to where they need to go. Like Meade at Gettysburg. Did youread in the Times how his men held their positions against Longstreet?
What time is it? I have to get to the orphanage.
Robert, you’re not carrying Priscilla’s books today. Do you think it’s really safe? I mean, they’re throwing rocks….
I’ll go with her to see she’s safe.
And don’t forget to put your arm around her if you see any danger, Captain Van Vorst.
(gathering her reticule)
Both of you keep your eyes open!
ROBERT and PRISCILLA are at the door of the Peacock.
Ta-ta, Lady Claire.
Ta-ta, my dear.
ROBERT and PRISCILLA exit. CLAIRE starts to put away the sewing.
Do you think Priscilla’s really sweet on Robert?
She’d marry him tomorrow if she could get him from under his mother’s thumb.
A man that’s under his mother’s thumb needs to stay there until he can wiggle out himself.
Priscilla’s ready to give him a tug. She thinks his mother doesn’t want to let him grow up. Like all mothers.
Nonsense. I can’t wait until you’ve hoppedfrom the branch and tried your own wings.
And you’re supposed to be teaching me the rest of the song about the black rosebud. Did you forget that?
And you have a sweet voice. I’d tell Mum that if she were still alive. It’s the Irish in your heart that makes your voice so sweet. Let’s hear you sing.
The Erne at its highest flood,
I dashed across unseen,
For there was lightning in my blood,
My dark Rosaleen!
My own Rosaleen!
Oh, there was lightning in my blood,
My dark Rosaleen!
Oh, and you do have such a sweet voice. If your feet weren’t so big, I could marry you off before the weekend!
(kisses CLAIRE’s hand)
Ma, why is this girl coming this afternoon?
Liam’s friend? Because I can’t do all the cooking and cleaning and everything that’s to be done in this place. You know that, Claire. And your father wants you to continue school. Get something beside daydreams in that pretty head of yours.
Mother, you know what I mean…. If you’re going to hire someone to work in the Peacock, then why not Priscilla? She loves the children in the orphanage, but there’s not a lot for her there.
(sits at the table with her daughter)
The Peacock is quite a lovely business, Claire, and you know it. Your father and I want to buy it one day. We’ve been talking with Mr. Valentine—
I don’t care about Mr. Valentine.
Well, I do, and your father does as well. We’re trying to convince him to sell us this place. It has a good reputation—
He’s been letting it run down. We’re giving it back its reputation.
And so we are, colleen. This place has been here for a while and people know about it. But he wants it to be a place for a high-class clientele. We don’t want to open some place like the Gallant Frog down the street, do we? Oh, is that ever a hooligan haven.
He means a place for white people?
There’s nothing wrong with white people, Claire. And seeing that I am one of them, I’m hoping that you can understand that. We’ll have all kinds of people here if your father and I have anything to do with it.
In two months, this war will be over. Then there won’t be any more slavery and then it won’t matter if any of us are white or black.
Did the Good Lord himself tell you that, Claire? Because if He did, I’m very much impressed. The last person I know who heard the Lord talking back to him was your great-uncle, and that was only when he had a few pints in him.
So we can’t hire Priscilla
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