Ring Around Rosie

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Book: Ring Around Rosie by Emily Pattullo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Pattullo
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his chin. “Bill, try and get a picture of one of William’s kids, we’ll have to
use that to keep him quiet. And when he wakes up, ’ave ’im call his wife and
tell her he’s had to go on a last minute business trip or something. That
should buy us a few days. Will that be enough for you Ted?”
    Ted nodded slowly, unsure how long would be
    Blue clapped her hands with glee. “We
should have been coppers!” she squeaked.
    “Nah,” said Trig. “Too corrupt.”
    Just then Ted’s phone rang.
    “Ted, it’s mum,” came a quiet voice at the
other end.
    “Hi, how’s things?” Ted asked, standing and
walking out into the corridor.
    “We’re in London now. We just wanted to let
you know, in case you need us for anything. We’re feeling at rather a loose
end. A bit helpless.”
    “Any word from the police?”
    “They keep us posted with what they’re
doing but they have no leads. She’s just one of many children that go missing
every day.” Her voice was an almost inaudible whisper and Ted had to strain to
hear her.
    Ted so wanted to ease her pain by telling
her what he was doing but he wasn’t sure they would approve, and they would
definitely insist he told the police and he knew that if this whole thing went
as high as Trig had said, the police would be no help at all.
    “I’m doing all I can mum. I’ll let you know
as soon as I hear anything,” he lied. “Try not to worry.”
    “Well, your dad and I are going to look for
her anyway. We’ll take a picture of her and ask around, all day and all night
if we have to. We can’t sit around waiting.”
    “I know mum. Good luck and I’ll come by and
see you really soon, ok?”
    “Bye darling. We love you.”
    Ted snapped the phone shut and stood
staring down the corridor. It was a long tunnel that narrowed and darkened as
it went away from him. He wished he could see a light at the end of it. He only
had a few days. What if she didn’t show?  

Chapter 13
    There was shouting somewhere. Who was
shouting?  Rosie tried to open her eyes but they wouldn’t, like something was
pressing them shut. She tried to move her arm to pull herself up but it was
stuck behind her back.
    Suddenly she felt someone pull something
off her head and the blinding light made her eyes shut tight in agony.
    “Four big men like you had to tie a tiny
defenceless girl up! Was she too much for you?” The voice Rosie now recognised
as Zaydain’s continued to shout. Someone pulled at her arms. Untying them?
    “What’s wrong with you? You can pay extra
for these bruises. No one else will want her looking like this. I’ll have to
cancel other clients!”
    “She started off taking it like a lamb and
then she went wild, biting and scratching. Look at my arm,” said another voice.
    “Oh dear, poor you. You were scratched by a
little girl!”
    “I might need a tetanus. I didn’t pay for
that! We paid for pleasure not pain!”
    Rosie tried to open her eyes as she was
pulled to her feet. They hurt, as did her whole body. She stood, wobbling,
squinting at the men around her. The room was a mess, and they all looked thoroughly
    Zaydain made a call on his phone and soon
Griff was taking Rosie’s weight and leading her outside. Her body screamed out
in agony with every step, but she was so glad to be leaving that awful place
that she didn’t care. Griff opened the door and half lifted her into the car,
laying a blanket over her legs. Rosie managed a weak smile. Griff smiled back.
She could see tears glistening in his pale eyes. Maybe he was here against his
own will too, thought Rosie, after all he never seemed happy, in fact most of
the time he looked sad and apologetic.
    Rosie tried to move her aching legs and get
comfortable whilst they waited for Zaydain. She tried not to think about where
exactly her body was hurting or why. Griff shot her an occasional nervous glance,
silent as always.
    “Do you have any

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