Righteous Obsession

Righteous Obsession by Rose Riker Page B

Book: Righteous Obsession by Rose Riker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Riker
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    ‘Big deal!’  Debbie thought.  ‘Somebody give the dork
a medal!’
    “It’s been brought to my attention recently how many
teenagers are unhealthily obsessed with anyone or anything to do with what’s
commonly called heavy metal music.”
    Debbie felt Diana jab her in her back and knew she was
going to say her mother had brought it to his attention.  She smiled to herself
and thought, ‘If he only knew how wet I get even thinking about Colin!’
    “This concerns me greatly,” Father Michaels
continued.  “That’s why I’ve decided to have a panel discussion on Friday to
debate the pros and cons of heavy metal music.”
    “All heavy metal music?”  A student asked.
    “No, I’ve narrowed it down to three bands whose
influence I consider the most dangerous and destructive:  Megadeth, Danzig, and
the Unforgiven.”
    Debbie’s hand shot up.  “Why the Unforgiven, Father? 
In the first place they’re hard rock not heavy metal and secondly, there’s
absolutely no solid proof that heavy metal music is dangerous.”
    “I don’t see any of them as being dangerous or
destructive,” Another student spoke up.
    Before Father Michaels could answer, a student in the
front row turned around and said, “Colin Matthews supports the killing of
babies and thinks its okay for little kids to have access to pornography!”
    “He’s pro-choice, dweeb there’s a difference!” Debbie
snapped.  “And he doesn’t want to expose little kids to pornography, but he
does think the government shouldn’t tell people what they can read, watch, or
listen to!”
    “All right,” Father Michaels held up his hands. 
“Let’s save these arguments for our panel discussion.  Debbie, since you seem
to be such an ardent supporter of Colin Matthews, you can take the pro side of
the Unforgiven debate.”  He nodded at the student with whom Debbie had been
arguing.  “Jonathan, you take the con side.”  He assigned other students to
take the pro and con sides of Megadeth and Danzig.
    “I agree with Debbie,” One of the students
volunteered.  “I don’t think any of these bands are a bad influence, but
especially not the Unforgiven.”
    “I think Colin Matthews is a very wicked and misguided
person.  Everything he supports is in direct violation of the teachings of the
Catholic Church.  We can only pray that he’ll eventually see the error of his
ways or else he’s in grave danger of spending eternity burning in hell!  Enough
about Colin Matthews’s evil lifestyle!  If today’s discussion is any
indication, we’re going to have a very lively debate on Friday!”
    Jonathan raised his hand.  “Father, are we going to
spend any time reviewing for our final?”
    “Ass-kisser!”  Debbie muttered.
    “Yes, we’ll be doing that this whole week.  Please
open your textbooks to chapter ten.”
    It seemed like an eternity to Debbie, but at last the
bell rang.  She and Diana hurried down the hall to their lockers and tossed
their books inside.
    “Do you want to come over to my house before we go to
work?”  Diana asked.
    “Definitely!  I have to show you what I bought to wear
to Unforgiven!  I look so hot in it Colin will have a major hard-on instantly!”
    “You can model it for me before we go to work.”
    They left the building and walked to the student
parking lot, located behind the Catholic Youth Center building.  Debbie got in
her car and unlocked the passenger side for Diana.
    “So what’s your plan for getting Colin where you want
him?”  Diana giggled.  “And we both know where that is!”
    “I plan to give him a preview of my assets when he’s
at the Mall.”
    SamGoody © already announced that
Unforgiven would be doing an in-store at the Rosedale Mall.
    “What are you going to do?  Crawl under the table and
jerk him off?”  Diana joked.
    “I haven’t decided yet, but whatever I do, he won’t be
able to resist me!”
    “Is your mother still going to go ahead with

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