Ridge Creek

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Book: Ridge Creek by C L Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: C L Green
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communal room and it’s
packed.  Whether this is normal for a Friday night, I don’t know.  Whether it’s
a ripple effect of Emma being here, I don’t know.  I do, however, have my
    Suspicions based on how fast a bunch of badass bikers got
over the female invasion to their inner sanctum once they laid eyes on Emma. 
Me, they appeared to accept because they were under threat from Jake not to
upset me.  Emma however, they were all falling over themselves to impress,
because they wanted to.
    Sitting at the bar between Eva and Emma (Eva returned as
promised), we are working our way through a bottle of tequila together.  Emma
was quick to embrace the biker woman ethos of no wine and tonight she plans to
test our limits on tequila shooters.  Always one to accept a challenge, she had
made a fast decision that we would learn to shoot the most disgusting, vile,
top-shelf alcohol there was. 
    It tastes like crap and it burns like sin as it goes down. 
It also doesn’t take many shots to get a buzz.  Perfect.
    So we are buzzing, I am relaxing and we are having a great
time.   This is partially because of the great company (Eva and Emma) and
partially because of Jake’s close proximity.
    Jake is once again sitting on the other side of the bar from
us.  He is freshly showered and his silky black hair is still damp and clinging
slightly to the sides of his face.  He is wearing dark blue jeans, a plain
black t-shirt and a kickass, black leather motorbike jacket with an offset zip
down the front. 
    The jacket is cool. 
    So cool that I plan to order a female version online as soon
as I can.
    Slightly distracted by Jake, my attention draws back to Eva
as she shrieks, “Jambo!  Here it is.”  Eva has been Googling the meaning of
Jambo.  The parrot says his name constantly.  To everyone and everything.   
    Looking across the room to watch as Jambo struts himself up
and down the edge of the pool table she announces, “It’s Swahili for hello!”
    Glancing at the annoyed glares Jambo is getting from the two
bikers using the pool table, I turn back to Emma grinning.  Emma grins back at
me for a beat and then we start our latest wave of riotous laughter.  I laugh
so hard that my ribs hurt.   Trying to control my laughter I take a huge breath
while I announce, “You called your parrot ‘hello’?”
    She stops laughing for a moment, pushes out a huge loud,
“Hah!” and starts laughing again.  I can’t help myself and follow suit, banging
my hands on the bar as I let rip.
    It is not long into this latest round of roaring laughter
that I hear a familiar loud, rumbly, “Jesus,” grunted from behind us.  Flicking
my eyes to Jake, I grin as I watch his eyes move over the top of my head before
his face breaks into a wide smile as he greets his brother. 
    “Brother, seriously.  You sticking to the story you found
her lying on the side of the road?” Zane continues as he rounds the bar and
settles himself on a stool next to Jake.  Settling his vivid blue eyes on me, I
grin at him as he flashes me a warm, friendly smile. 
    And then I watch as his smile fades to confusion when his
eyes slide to my right and settle on Emma.  Scrunching his brows together he
says, “And then she phoned a fuckin’ good-looking friend?”
    I hear Jake chuckle as he leans over to grab his brother a
beer from the bar fridge behind him as he says, “Yeah.”
    Sliding the beer in front of his brother, I watch as Zane’s
eyes stay locked on Emma.  Picking the beer up slowly and taking a long pull I
can see a lot of activity happening behind his eyes.  It is at this
point that I realize that Emma and Eva have silenced.
    Flicking my eyes briefly to Eva on my left I see she is
staring at Emma.  Slicing my eyes back to Emma I find myself grinning.  She is
sitting stock-still, staring openmouthed at Zane. 
    I grin because I have only ever witnessed one other event in
Emma’s life that left her

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