Revenge Sex
loud, catching the attention
of the bartender, a couple of men at the bar. And Clay. She was
sure he’d drained more than half the beer he’d been merely nursing
    “That certainly limits things,” Mitch said,
then sipped his scotch. “No animals, vegetables, or DP?”
    “DP?” she asked.
    He leaned in close. “Dual penetration.”
    “ Ohh ,” she said, elongating the
    “You really should learn the appropriate
terminology for your trade.”
    “I’m very new at it.”
    “Lost your regular job?” He crunched an ice
    “Lost my sugar daddy.” See, she did know some
terminology. “But I’ve found someone who’s helping me out.”
    “Helping you?” He had a nice smile, and he
was certainly enjoying this, though she didn’t believe for a minute
that he was buying anything she said.
    “Yes. He’s my protection. He sits in the bar,
watches to make sure I’m okay, has the room all ready, then I give
him the money when I come back down.” Oh, Clay would love that
    Mitch pulled back. “All of it?”
    “He takes 25 percent and gives me the
    “Wow. Like an agent.”
    “Where is he now?”
    “The guy in that booth over there.” She
pointed in the mirror.
    Mitch turned and looked directly at Clay. “He
seems like an ordinary business man.”
    She looked at Clay, too, meeting his
penetrating gaze for the first time. “I’d call him the CFO, since
he helps me take care of the money aspect.”
    “Ah,” Mitch said again, then drained his
drink. “Well, this has been extremely interesting. I’m meeting a
client for dinner.” He raised that cocky brow of his again.
“Perhaps you’ll be here later.”
    She smiled, tipped her head coquettishly.
“You never know.”
    Then Mitch wended through a few tables and
hit the lobby floor, heading back toward the bank of elevators.
    That was easy. There hadn’t even been an
awkward moment where she’d had to get rid of him. Lucky girl. After
a last sip of wine, Jessica picked up her purse, winked at the
bartender, then went straight to Clay’s table, sidling in beside
    “What the hell are you doing?” he asked.
    She sighed. “I’m picking up a man.”
    “Liar,” he said mildly.
    “I am not. But here’s the problem. He’s
staying at some dumpy motel down the street, and I don’t want to go
there. So I need a room.”
    “Jessica,” he started.
    She leaned in close. It was a bold gambit,
but this felt like her one-and-only chance, and she was willing to
do anything. “Isn’t this what you like your women to do? Be with
other men. Then come back to you.” She waited a beat, let it sink
in, until his nostrils flared, and she knew she had him. “Give me
your key. I want to use your room.”
    He swallowed. She’d rendered him speechless.
But then he pulled a card key from his shirt pocket. She took it
and slid him Holt’s drink napkin. “Write the room number on here.
I’ll call you when I’m done.” She leaned close, her lips almost
touching his cheek. “Then you can come up and fuck me.” She licked
the shell of his ear. “I f I’ ve got enough
energy left over for you.” She bit his lobe, climbed out of the
booth with both the key and the napkin and sashayed across the
    When she glanced back at him from the
entrance, she was sure the man was shell-shocked.
    * * * * *
    She’d been so close, Clay could smell her
arousal on her. Jessica never sashayed. His heart did a slow roll
in his chest simply watching. It had taken nothing more than that
and her husky voice to enslave him.
    He’d been going crazy
the last forty-eight hours, wanting her, yet telling himself it was
crazy. Her scent clung to his clothes, lingered in his office,
drove him absolutely mad.
    It had never been like this
with Ruby. Sexy, hot, exceptionally fun, yes, but not
frantic, not raging lust. His pulse raced. He could actually feel
his heart beating against his chest. His balls ached. His cock
throbbed. He

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