often corrected—earlier drafts.
Many thanks to Gabriel Motzin for his generous hospitality as director of the Van Leer Foundation in Jerusalem, and to Israel Yuval, Galit Haken Rosen, and other colleagues at the Hebrew University for kindly inviting me to participate in a seminar and to join a marvelous trip to the Galilee in spring to visit archeological sites. To Eduard Irischinchi I owe thanks for inviting me to join the conference he organized at the Van Leer Foundation, and for the pleasure of his company as we walked from the Dome of the Rock and the rooftop rooms in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher to the walls surrounding the Second Temple, as we traversed places in the Old City we might not have seen without his enthusiastic and expert guidance.
Thanks, too, to the friends and colleagues who invited me to share this work in progress, especially Joan Brown Campbell, Director of Religion at the Chautauqua Institute, and Chautauqua’s president, Tom Becker, for their generous hospitality during those lovely summer days. Summers in the Colorado mountains offered a glorious place to write, where I appreciated the invitation Steven Wickes extended to speak about work in progress at the Aspen Institute. I am grateful to the director, Walter Isaacson, himself an amazing writer, and to Amy Margerum; and as every writer will understand, I am enormously grateful to Van Etheridge and Devlen Watkins of the Institute, who, after large sections of the manuscript suddenly disappeared into a black hole on my computer, miraculously recovered them!
As the book began to reach completion, I was especially fortunate to work with Jason Epstein and Wendy Wolf, who smoothed out rough edges and enormously improved the writing. Ever since we first began to work together, Jason has taught me a great deal about writing clearly, and he has become a wonderful friend. Since I came to Viking Press, I’ve been delighted to work with Wendy, who always found the right questions to ask, and responded with wit, patience, and insight as the project took shape. I owe many thanks to Maggie Riggs and Veronica Windholz for their skillful and meticulous research in the process of copyediting, and to Ben Petrone for his indispensable work and good humor during the process of publication. I am grateful, as always, to longtime friends John Brockman and Katinka Matson, who have always offered excellent advice about publishing—and who, joined by Stewart Brand and Jaron Lanier, engaged in a strategic intervention to save me from a few sentences that struck the wrong note; I finally came to see that they were right!
Meanwhile, at Princeton, Nicole Kirk, now completing her doctoral dissertation, has offered continual—and invaluable—assistance in many ways; and many thanks to Mary Kay Bodnar, Kerry Smith, Patty Bogdziewicz, and Lorraine Fuhrmann, not only for all they do but for the generosity of spirit with which they infuse our department. Finally, the most personal thanks to family members: to my daughter, Sarah, and son-in-law, John DiMatteo, and their beautiful babies, Thomas and Rebekah, to my son, David, and to dear friends for their loving support and for all we share.
Abaddon, 5
Acts, Book of, 44, 46–47, 50, 55, 62–63, 87–88, 152
Acts of Paul, 162
Africa, 11, 104, 168
Against Heresies
(Irenaeus), 114–15, 145, 217
Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, 137, 138, 161, 168–69
Alexander (Egyptian Jew), 48
Alexandria, 142, 143
Alexandria, bishopric of, 136–37
see also specific bishops
Allogenes, 95–96, 99, 153, 204
Ammia (prophet), 68
Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium, 161
Anthony of Egypt, 146–47, 154–56, 221
Athanasius’ biography of, 157–58, 221
Antichrist, 113, 115–16, 141–42
Antinous, 123
Antioch, 44, 56–57, 62, 65
council of Bishops in, 143
Antiochus IV “Epiphanes,” king, 30–31
Antipas, 46
Antony, Mark, 13–15
Aphrodisias, 12
apocalypse, use of term, 74, 180
apocryphon, apocrypha, 74,
Agatha Christie
Daniel A. Rabuzzi
Stephen E. Ambrose, David Howarth
Catherine Anderson
Kiera Zane
Meg Lukens Noonan
D. Wolfin
Hazel Gower
Jeff Miller
Amy Sparling