Return to the Stars: Evidence for the Impossible

Return to the Stars: Evidence for the Impossible by Erich von Däniken Page B

Book: Return to the Stars: Evidence for the Impossible by Erich von Däniken Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erich von Däniken
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be dangerous to the lord of creation.
    Only very distant generations will live to see the execution of this gigantic project. For although such plans can be speeded up by modern technological development, we must allow a considerable period of time for the evolution of the new world. At present scientists talk of 1,000 years before the first evacuation space-ship can travel to Venus.
    Technology pampers us. On 20 July, 1969, at 0300 hours, 56 minutes 20 seconds Central European Time, hundreds of millions of people saw the two astronauts Neil Alden Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin become the first men to set foot on the moon. This was the most magnificent achievement in space travel to date and it fascinated and astonished humanity all over the globe. But even while man was following the breathtaking flight to the moon, science was already occupied with exploratory flights to Mars and Venus, and even with a vast human migration to earth's sister planet. Just as the conquest of the moon began with unmanned satellites, Venus is now being investigated with unmanned sondes. On 18 May, 1969, Moscow reported that after a flight lasting 130 days the Venus sonde 5 had ended the journey of 156,250,000 miles with a payload of 2,260 lb. When the sonde was still 31,250 miles from Venus, the ground station radioed the last command. Then the sonde sent down a capsule full of instruments by parachute. TASS stated that the parachute drop lasted 53 minutes.
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    Erich von Daniken in front of the Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque (Mexico) Deep down in the interior of this pyramid is the tombstone of the god Kukulkan at the controls of his rocket.
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    From time immemorial the idea of being able to float in the air has fascinated mankind as in this Stone Age cave painting in the Libyan desert.
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    The figure in this rock painting from Tin Tazarift in the Tassili mountains seems to be wearing a close fitting space-suit with steering gear on his shoulders and antennae on his protective helmet.
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    A monument to the space travelling gods' The most interesting thing on this stele from Santa Lucia Cotzumalhuapa (Guatemala) is the figure at the bottom right It is dressed like a modern astronaut.
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    The Venus of Willendorf is the flattering name given to this limestone statuette with its faceless round head.
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    Man or hybrid of man and animal? This sculpture is known to archaeologists as the Man with the Catfish Head.
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    The significance of this female idol with four faces and a solar symbol, found at Lake Maracaibo (Venezuela), is unknown.
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    A Sunday archaeologist on a journey of discovery through Mexico autumn 1968.
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    This fresco from Sehar in the Tassili mountains shows right a figure 10 ft 8 ins high surrounded by so called men from Mars.
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    Erich von Daniken measuring the cyclopean walls above Sacsayhuaman (Peru).
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    This block of stone the size of a four storey house has steps made with great accuracy There is no credible explanation for it.
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    Monoliths that look as if they had been precast like modern concrete Thrones for giants' Did the gods destroy their base at Sacsayhuaman when they had carried out their mission?
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    The rock seems to have been cut through as if it were butter Who did it? When? How?
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    The picture shows the celebrated calendar of Sacsayhuaman Has this monumental stone structure any relation to the rums on the surrounding heights?
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    Erich von Daniken with an Indian on the plateau of

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