Return to Kadenburg
on carrying her all the way back to the house. While Rutley knew he
needed to keep a close eye on the wolf, he got the feeling that Dimitri would
be far too distracted with her wellbeing than to make a run for it.
    Don’t treat him like a suspect, Rutley, he
chided himself as he lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck. He’s
    But just how different was
Dimitri? It was obvious that he was a bit more level headed than the
werewolves Rutley had met before, but how could he be so sure he could trust
    Well, he was dating Liam, he speculated. Liam
was always a great judge of character, wasn’t he? Surely the guy can’t be that
    “Here,” Mr. Bamey grunted as he
thrust a cup of coffee into Rutley’s face.
    Rutley’s upper lip curled back as he shook his head.
“No…, thank you,” he glanced up at the older man. “I’m really trying to
cut back on my caffeine intake.”
    “Uh huh,” Mr. Bamey eyed him suspiciously. “Boy, I
reckon you’ve been through a hell of a lot tonight. You better drink up; you’re
gonna need it.”
    “No, really. I’m fine,” Rutley insisted. “Can I get
some water instead?”
    “Water?” Mr. Bamey quirked a brow. “What is wrong with
you, boy?”
    “Oh, Richard!” Mrs. Bamey scolded as she returned.
“What’s wrong with you ? If Rutley wants some water, get him some
    Mr. Bamey muttered under his breath as he turned to
move back into the kitchen, leaving Rutley alone with the sparkly eyed female
he’d grown to love like a mother over the years.
    “Oh, Rutley,” she said softly, reaching out to touch
the side of his face. “Thank you so much for finding my son.”
    Rutley smiled gently, taking comfort in her caress.
Mrs. Bamey was the closest thing he’d ever had to a mom since his own died.
She was kind, loving, and she always treated him like part of the family. He
briefly wondered if she treated Dimitri the same way, but the thought passed
    “I didn’t really find them, Mrs. B.,” He admitted. “We
sort of bumped into them along the way.”
    “Well, it doesn’t matter,” She insisted with a shake of
her head. “They’re safe now and I owe a lot of thanks to you. You were going
to try to save them, weren’t you? That counts.”
    I was going to make Dimitri take me to them until I
screwed myself over with my family’s truth serum, he thought. He didn’t
voice it though. Instead he simply smiled and returned the hug she was giving
him. Jesus H. Christ, she really enjoyed bear hugs, didn’t she?
    “Presley is resting well now, and Lorcan probably won’t
be too far behind. Would you like to have something to eat? I’m fixing Dimitri
a plate right now, but it would be no issue to make something for you, Dear.”
    “I would love something to eat,” Rutley replied
as he pushed himself up from the couch.
    Arnold was relieved to have his niece back. The night
had taken a strange turn in events, but he would forever be grateful to having
supernatural hearing that allowed him to pick up on another ursithrope’s cry of
distress. No sooner than the sound touched their ears, he and Richard Bamey
had been out the door without a second’s hesitation. It was a damn miracle
that they were able to pick up on so many scents at once, too. It was odd…..
    Everything happens for a reason, he reminded
himself as he gazed at Presley’s sleeping form. She’d only been back for an
hour, but already Arnold was planning out ways to keep her indoors for the rest
of her life. He would never let her out of his sight again.
    His green eyes watched as Presley’s chest rose and fell
with steady breaths, his ears listening intently to the calm beating of her
heart; she had his heart within her own, and she didn’t even know it. Presley
was more like a daughter for him than a niece. The past five days had been
pure torture for him. Had anything so agonizing ever happened to him?
    His mind wandered back to Meredith

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