Return of the Phoenix - 01

Return of the Phoenix - 01 by Heath Stallcup Page B

Book: Return of the Phoenix - 01 by Heath Stallcup Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heath Stallcup
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him to start being fed, I go against the OC. He’d still be in prison.” Matt stood and paced his office, his own thoughts fighting with him. “If I were to authorize his release, who’s to say he wouldn’t be totally pissed at us and go on a rampage for having him locked up for these past years? I know I would.”
    “I don’t think he—” Laura tried to debate, but Matt cut her off again,
    “And there’s no way in hell I could get livestock blood in here again without the OC finding out about it.”
    “The guy at the clinic said that they have blood sent to the incinerator daily.”
    “And you think the OC wouldn’t find out?” Matt asked.
    “Matt, he was this close!” she cried. “You know it. I know it. And I think that’s why the OC shut him down.” She stood up and walked to the window in his office overlooking the facility. “His lab is right there. It’s still equipped. It’s all been mothballed. The only thing missing is HIM!”
    “And any asshole from the OC can pull a surprise visit at any time.”
    “And they wouldn’t know him from Adam,” she stated. And Matt knew she was right. With a spray-on tan and a lab coat, Evan could pass for anybody. Hell, cut his hair and put him in uniform and he could pass for any of his soldiers.
    “So what do we report to the OC?” Matt asked. “He’s assa ssinated? Escaped? What?”
    “Nothing,” she stated. “They’ve never asked to see him b efore. What would change that?” Laura went back to her chair and sat down. She swallowed the rest of her drink and sighed. “We simply get him fed, make sure he understands the circumstances that got him put there, and let him get back to work. That’s all he wants anyway.” She looked at Matt and they both knew that she wanted him out more than Evan wanted out. “He wants to be human again. And if that simply cannot happen, then he wants to help us find a way to take them out with the lowest risk to our men. Period.”
    “Fine. But before I put both of our heads on the chopping block, I’m talking to him. Personally,” Matt said.
    “Agreed.” Laura tried her best to sound completely business-like, but inside, her heart was jumping with joy.
    “No. I’m talking to him alone. Man to man,” Matt replied. “Well, man to, er…well…vampire.”

    “Is it just me or have you guys been eating like a race horse, too?” Ing Jacobs asked the other MS4 members as they went through the chow line.
    “Dude, I don’t think I ate this much in high school when I was working out like crazy and playing football,” Robert Mueller responded. “Seems like I’m always hungry. And cra ving meat.”
    Gus Tracy sat down at the table with a huge pile of pork chops on his tray. “One of the nurses said that it has something to do with the enhancements they give us to make us stronger and faster. Its like ‘roids but better. Anyway, it makes you really hungry and you crave tons of protein. Especially meat.” He picked up a chop and started gnawing on it. “Still, being told that is one thing, but it’s another to actually go through it. I feel like I could eat a whole cow.”
    Dave Marshal tossed in his two cents as well. “I’ll tell you what really sucks nuts. I used to live for coffee. I mean, I’d still kill for an honest-to-God cup of espresso. But either my buds have changed, or the stuff they serve here is recycled dog hike. I mean, seriously, it doesn’t even smell like coffee. Still, these other ‘regular joes’ go on about how great the coffee is here, but Jebus, I catch a whiff of it and it stinks like sewer water!”
    Lamb kicked in his thoughts as well. “It’s not just you, pal. Ya know how they cut us off the junk food, right? One of the gate guards smuggled me in a Coke. A flippin’ Coke for cryin’ out loud. I mean, shit…it’s just a soda, right? Stuff stunk to high heaven and tasted like it had lemons in it. I think this stuff they’re pumping through us has

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