Return of the Cartier Cartel
fucking with a bitch who has ties to one of the men who murdered our friends. How are you gonna handle that? Because nobody gets a pass.”
    Cartier wondered if for the next sixty years she’d have to hear Bam bring up Big Mike. Her constantly talking about Big Mike was like hearing nails on a chalkboard; that irritating. She wished she’d just get over it already.
    “I hear you, and trust, nobody’s getting away with anything. I’ma handle this situation. I don’t know how, but I will.”
    Cartier felt betrayed, and as the pieces of the puzzle began to come together, she no longer knew who to trust. What the fuck was Jason doing fucking with the enemy? Out of all the pussy in this town, why would he even go there? And how could he have been so righteous in flipping on Bam for fucking Big Mike then turn around and do the same thing? What if this chick was a double agent? What if Ryan and Jason had squashed the beef? And where was all the money they’d saved up and also scored from Big Mike? Why had Jason taken it from the house? In fact, Cartier no longer had any access to “their” money. She realized Jason was setting up to move on without her. That had to be the reason why he’d taken all of the money.
    Cartier decided Trina was the only person who could give her guidance and wisdom. She went downstairs to her room.
    “Ma, we need to talk, and this is some serious shit. So you gotta cut off Grey’s Anatomy and pay attention.”
    Trina looked up, annoyed. Until she saw the look in her daughter’s eyes. She muted the television and sat up.
    “Well, if it’s going to be one of those conversations, go in the kitchen and grab me one of Jason’s Coronas.”
    Quickly, Cartier ran into the kitchen and grabbed two beers and returned to her mother. Both women cracked open the beers, and Trina waited impatiently for Cartier to get on with the story.
    “I don’t know where to begin, but here goes. I told you that the same night we went to the New Year’s Eve party, we got into a shootout with Ryan.”
    “Yeah, you said that somebody set y’all up because he knew that y’all were there.”
    “Well, I left out that I saw Jason briefly with this Spanish chick but didn’t really think anything of it.”
    “So he’s fucking around again, huh?”
    Cartier didn’t like that Trina said it so casually, as if it was to be expected. “Yeah, but this time a lot is at stake. Jason is fucking this bitch who is the sister of Ryan’s baby momma.”
    “What?” Trina jumped up off the bed, and got really animated. “I know you didn’t say he’s fucking with the enemy. Is he stupid or stupid?”
    “Not only that, Ma. He’s been acting really distant ever since I let him come back home. We’re more roommates than husband and wife, if you feel me.”
    Cartier didn’t want to go into sexual details with her mother, but Trina got the point.
    “What if this bitch sets him up with Ryan?”
    Trina shook her head. “Damn! I didn’t know Jason was that gullible over a piece of twat, but shit shouldn’t surprise either one of us, if he was able to fuck around with your best friend. And I don’t mean to hurt you by bringing it up, but it’s the truth. And what his stupid ass doesn’t realize is that all our lives are in danger, including the kids’. We’re sitting ducks. What if this bitch has Ryan follow Jason one night on his way home? Shit, they could have already done that. What if they’ve found out where we live? They could run up in here and do a home invasion and murder us all.”
    “Those are my thoughts as well. What if this chick is the one who told Ryan that Jason would be at the club that night? And here we were suspecting Bam. And you know his whipped ass ain’t even suspect that possibility, because he’s still fucking with her.”
    “I just want to know how this happened.”
    “I don’t give a fuck about the how, or truthfully, the why. The point is, he violated, and he should be held

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