Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13)

Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13) by Julia Mills Page A

Book: Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
Tags: greek gods, Dragons, Werewolves, shifters, phoenix
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fight for her life and had no intentions of losing.
    Sorry guys...
    Flying down the steps, skipping over as many as she could without busting her ass, Claire kept watch for the griffins. The phoenix jumped over the landing between the third and second floors and grabbed the bannister to keep from tripping over the oriental runner covering the steps. Looking over her shoulder, biting her cheeks to keep from laughing and losing her balance, Claire couldn’t stop the little chuckle that escaped as she watched the griffin leading the pack fall ass over teakettle down the steps. He landed with a thud, his head on the landing and his butt in the air, unconscious with his mouth open and one of his shoes on his chest.
    Hitting the ground floor running, Claire turned to the left, the opposite direction from where she knew the remaining griffins were being dispatched. Taking another corner at top speed, she heard the crash of breaking glass and the cracking of wood two doors down the hall. Recognition of her mate filled her being. Her phoenix puffed and preened her feathers, shivering with excitement at the nearness of both man and dragon.
    Needing to see Rory more than she needed her next breath, Claire raced down the hall. Throwing open the large double doors that stood between her and her mate, the phoenix stopped dead in her tracks as her Guardsman drew a gleaming broadsword from the scabbard on his back in the nick of time to block the downward strike of Malick’s rapier. Rory looked like the highlanders of olde with his arms above his head, both hands on the grip of his blade and the fierce determination of a well-conditioned warrior painted on his rugged visage.
    Her phoenix screeched her outrage while pushing against the confines of Claire’s mind. Both woman and phoenix ached to fight by their mate’s side. Fire built within her as sparks from the clash of their blades lit up the darkness. Movement outside the collapsed French doors drew her attention. Throwing her hands in front of her to blast any and all griffins, she was forced to swing them above her head as Kayne—another of Lugh’s children—her cousins, and a dragon with short dark hair and mischief-filled green eyes burst into the room. The name Lennox floated through her mind. Even though embroiled in battle, her mate was introducing her to his brethren.
    “Thank you,” she quietly sent directly into his mind as not to disturb him.
    “Hold your fire there, Sparky,” Ettie snorted.
    Kayne nodded his hello while drawing his claymore and following Lennox, who was already brandishing a longsword of his own, toward the flood of griffins pouring through the door beside the fireplace across the room. Claire’s eyes went directly back to Rory. She watched as he blocked every swipe of Malick’s blade with finesse while forcing the griffin back with his own well-placed stabs. Their battle was like a well-choreographed dance, with her dragon keeping the upper hand at all times. He was poetry in motion. More graceful than she’d ever believed a man of his size and musculature could be.
    From the moment she knew of his existence, Claire had known this dragon was to be hers. The battle of light and dark was won not by her decision, but by the goodness of the man the Universe had created for her. There’d never been a doubt and watching him in battle only reinforced what she already knew – Rory O’Reilly was the mate of her heart, her soul, and her forever. The one man in all of the world who was strong enough to deal with not only her, but her phoenix. He was perfect and he was hers.
    Forcing her attention to her cousins, Claire wasn’t surprised to see they had come prepared. Each woman had a blade in hand and was holding her own against the enemy. The battle was in full swing all over the compound. She felt the presence of more dragons than she could count, as well as werepanthers, fighting the multitude of griffins all in the name of saving her.
    It was a

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