Restart (The Revival Series)

Restart (The Revival Series) by Claire Thake Page A

Book: Restart (The Revival Series) by Claire Thake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Thake
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the excessive amount of alcohol she had consumed.
    Pulling her stiff body up from the sofa, she stretched out her arms, and gave the empty glasses and bottles on the table a dirty look, before picking them up and taking them out to the kitchen, and switching on the kettle to make a coffee, in an attempt to wake herself up.
    She dragged her fingers through her long brown hair and then rubbed her hands over her face. It had been a long time since she had been that drunk and a long time since she had felt this awful the next day.
    Once she was showered, dressed and had forced herself to eat a slice of toast, she slipped on her boots and jacket before taking a slow walk over to the main house, hoping the kids had been well behaved.
    Arriving at the house, Daniel let her in on his way out, laughing at his wife. Leah walked into the kitchen to find Carrie still in her dressing gown, her head on the table and a cup of coffee and tablets in front of her. Carrie turned her head to face Leah, before closing her eyes again.
    “I am never, never, never, ever, EVER drinking again!” She said, reaching out blindly for the tablets on the table.
    “I know how you feel chick.” Said Leah, pulling out the chair next to her and sitting down, before passing Carrie her coffee before she knocked it over and burnt herself.
    “We are officially old Leah! It was never this bad the next day when we were younger, and this is a sign we have to accept. We are now old!”
    “Speak for yourself, we’ve got a bit longer left in us I'm sure,”
    “True but this officially sucks! I have work to do today for Angela in the London office, as she needs it by the morning. Why was I so stupid to drink so much, and you’re my best friend, you should have stopped me,” Carrie teased, pushing her hair behind her ears.
    “Where’s the kids? It's too quiet in here,”
    “Don’t complain, Leah, quiet is good right now. Daniel fed them before I got up and they are playing on the Xbox in Tyler’s room. I can't see us seeing them before lunch, thank god, and I mean that in the best possible way.”
    Leah chuckled, she felt awful but the state Carrie was in was so funny, as Carrie was such a hypochondriac.
    “Let’s have a pampering day!” Carrie said, late morning. She was finally starting to look and feel slightly human and was now showered and dressed. Carrie and Leah were curled up on Carrie’s sofa, both cradling another cup of coffee.
    “Why today? Don’t you want to just lounge?”
    “Normally my darling Leah that would be a yes, but I feel and look like shit, and a good pampering would make me feel better, and I’m sure would do you wonders too. Come on.”
    Leah followed Carrie through the house to her bedroom, and through to the huge adjacent bathroom, and began pulling out all sorts of creams and lotions from the cupboard.
    It wasn’t long before the pair, were sitting on Carrie’s bed, both with green faces, covered in mud packs, and Leah had her fingers in a bowl of warm water, soaking her cuticles while Carrie painted her toenails for her.
    “This is nice,” said Leah, leaning her head back and trying not to get any of the face pack on Carrie’s bedding”
    “It is, it’s different and we could both do with a  good pampering,”
    “Not that I’m not enjoying the pedicure and soon to be manicure, but apart from the face pack, this is a bit one-sided. Let me do your nails as well.”
    Carrie sighed and shook her head, trying hard to keep the grin from her face. “Leah. I live on a farm, pedicures and manicures don’t exactly serve the same purpose as they do in London”
    “Oh that’s rubbish Caz, I know you still get your nails done in town!”
    “Maybe I do, but I'm not the one that’s in good need of a pampering, so shut up and relax,”
    Leah noticed, again the grin that Carrie was trying to suppress, and took her hands out of the bowl and wiped them on a towel.
    “Okay come on Caz, what is going on?”

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