Resilient (2)
Charlie and her psychotic, I mean psychic tendencies…
    Katrine took a healthy drink. “Don’t get all excited, but yes, we may have crossed into more than a friend territory. We are taking it very slow, so don’t start planning my engagement party just yet. I know you, Jane, quit it!” Jane grinned sheepishly. That was exactly where her mind was going.  
    “Did you guys sleep together?” Paige asked. Of course that was what they were all wondering.
    “No, just a little heavy petting,. I’m definitely not rushing into the physical this time. I’ve learned my lesson.”
    “Don’t let him ruin your chances of something great. We all love Ian, he’s such a good guy and he adores you,” Izzie said. That was high praise coming from her. She didn’t compliment any guy very often. Only superficial things like “he was hot” or “he went down on me like a kamikaze. He was on a mission and didn’t care if he came out alive.” Direct quote.
    “Guys, this is exactly why I was hesitant to tell you anything. Please, no pressure. if we decide to just be friends,.”
    “You mean, if you decide,” Maddie added.
    “Okay, if I decide to just be friends, then I don’t want you guys giving me a hard time. With that said, my feelings have been changing for him over the past month or so. And when he started dating someone, I don’t know, it changed something in me. I didn’t want him with anyone else. I felt jealous and that isn’t something you feel when it’s just a friend. So anyway, there it is.”
    “Well, whatever it is, we’re glad you’re taking a chance again. It’s about time,.” Jane smiled and lifted her glass. They all clinked in the middle and Katrine felt relieved that the big announcement was done and wasn’t as bad as she though it would be.  

    Teddy and Katrine spent her birthday celebration going to the movies and then picking up dinner from their favorite pizza joint. After devouring the cheesy goodness, Teddy brought in a gift. He’d glued some of the shells he had collected at the beach last summer onto a frame. Inside was a picture of the two of them on the slopes of New Mexico. They were clad in their winter gear complete with large goggles, arms around each other. That was a wonderful day. Katrine blinked away tears when she pulled it from the bright purple bag.
    “Teddy, it’s beautiful,. I think it’s my favorite present I’ve ever gotten. I love that we’re cold in the picture but the frame says summer.”
    “Grams helped me glue the shells and I emailed Maddie the picture. She got it printed for me. But I paid for the picture and the frame, with my own money, I promise.” She hugged him with all of her might. “How did I get so lucky?”
    He brought out a small chocolate covered cupcake with a candle stuck into the icing. He handed Katrine the lighter.  
    “Here, you better light it. Unless I’m old enough to play with fire now.”
    “Very funny. You’ll never be old enough.” She lit the candle, Teddy sang off key, and she closed her eyes. A soft puff and the candle went out, the room engulfed in darkness. She felt his not so little arms around her shoulders.
    “Momma, I hope all your dreams come true. You deserve it more than anyone.”
    Tears flooded her eyes. “Baby, you’re my dream come true and this is the best birthday ever.”

    What to wear, what to wear? This is kind of a big deal, right?  
    But only if I make it one, right? Right!  
    I’m cool as a cucumber baby! Okay, maybe more like a luke-warm soup.
      She wanted to look fantastic. One, she was now on the wrong side of 35, and two, it was their first date. Not counting the one last summer, but that seemed like another lifetime ago. No, she wasn’t counting that. Then she saw it, snug in the back of her closet, with the price tags still attached. It was red, fitted, and totally sexy. But would it be too much?
    “Why the hell not?”
    The dress fell just below her knees. It was sleeve-less with a

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