Repent in Love

Repent in Love by J. Hali Steele Page A

Book: Repent in Love by J. Hali Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Hali Steele
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go. Mothers pushed baby
carriages; men held their sons’ small hands.
    Earth continued to rotate on its axis.
    Air vibrated around him, warning of the arrival of another
archangel, one he could do without seeing today. “What are you doing here?” Uri
asked. Easing around, he looked directly in Raphael’s eyes. “Thought you were
in Spain healing the masses.”
    “Got it under control.” A sly grin twisted Raph’s lips. “You
got pussy whipped too, huh? What is happening to you guys? Soon, no one will be
able to come out and play with me.”
    “Don’t need your shit today. What’s up?”
    “Just hanging out.”
    “Bull, you want something. That’s the only time you sneak
    “Whoa, wasn’t it good for you last night or what? And I’m
not sneaking so don’t bite my head off.”
    “I’m gonna rip you a new one in a minute,” Uri growled.
“What do you want?”
    It was hard to believe the angel before him held the powers
to heal. Lately Raph had been a real mess, stemming from centuries of being
third best to Uri and Ramiel. He also possessed the most telepathic and
clairvoyant properties of any being in the universe. If he concentrated, he
could probably read Michael. Raphael could be a formidable opponent for any of
them, but his life had been built around laziness and meddling in anything that didn’t pertain to him. Uri wondered sometimes why he was even a part of
    “Because Father knows best.” He said it with such levity Uri
took another look at him.
    “I’m not going to play twenty questions with you.”
    “Ahh, but the answers could be such fun.” Raph reared back
from him. “Don’t even think about it. I’m tired of you guys attempting to beat
me into submission.” His chin jutted out slightly, “Maybe I’m here to help.”
    “Why would I need your assistance?” Now Raph had his
    “Hmm… Let’s see.” Lips pursed, fingers tapping on his knees.
Anyone who didn’t know him would have assumed he was in deep thought. Uri knew
better. Raph’s head suddenly snapped around. “By the way, I healed the giant
cretin in your hell hole.”
    “What?” How’d he get through my shields?
    “You were rather hard on the boy, Uri. You left him a bit
broken-up. So I was summoned.”
    “Shit.” Marcan had that kind of power? Hurting and he could
still pull Raph through his guards? This information surprised him so much he
forgot about the other angel sitting there. His mind reeled at the
implications. There was more to the half-breed than he’d first thought. Taking
his brethren’s souls strengthened him, but to that level? Impossible. Uri would
have sensed that kind of energy residing close to him over the last few days.
Or in the alley where Marcan accosted the woman. Surely he’d have noticed it
    A dog yapped in the distance, and two laughing teens
zigzagged by on in-line roller skates. A young man whooshed past on a bike with
a girl on the bar between his legs. The teenager’s perverted thoughts
distracted Uri briefly and, without thinking, he dashed the contraption to the
ground, allowing the girl to jump free unscathed. While she blasted the boy for
not paying attention, bluesy notes from a nearby saxophone whined through the
air but did little to help Uriel’s anxiety.
    Concentrate. There was a meaning here. He had to find it.
    “You still with me?” Raph’s voice cut into his mind.
    “He brought you through my shields?”
    “Christ, Uri. You’re still stuck on that? Look, I’ve got to
go but I’ll be seeing you.”
    “You’re sure it was Marcan that summoned you?”
    Preparing to leave, Raph twisted like a funnel raising a
cloud of dust. “He is his daddy’s double, I’ll say that much.” The archangel’s
laughter floated in the air long after he was gone.
    “Motherfucker!” Now Uri understood.
    Marmaroth was here.
    * * * * *
    She’d left Uri’s domain right after he did. Ensconced in her
hot tub, Morta thought about him. The

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