REMEMBER US: A Billionaire Romance (Part One)

REMEMBER US: A Billionaire Romance (Part One) by Glenna Sinclair Page A

Book: REMEMBER US: A Billionaire Romance (Part One) by Glenna Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenna Sinclair
shouldn’t drive,” Jonnie said.
    “I’ve got to go.”
    I charged past her and rushed out the door.
    “Why won’t you go out with me?”
    She looked up, surprise making her big green eyes look even bigger. “You sure are a conceited one, aren’t you?”
    “No. I just know what I want when I see it.”
    “Yes, well, I’m not something that can simply be possessed.”
    “I don’t want to possess you. I want to take you to dinner. Have a nice conversation with someone who knows absolutely nothing about security systems.”
    She smiled, but she ducked her head so that I only saw a glimpse of it. I wanted to see more.
    “You think you’re so charming,” she said. “But I don’t have time to play games with a guy like you.”
    “And what’s a guy like me?”
    “Some big city playboy who thinks he can have any woman he wants. Some charmer who thinks the whole world should kneel at his command. I’ve been down that road. I have no intention of walking down it again.”
    “So you’re cheating yourself out of a good time with me because some other jerk broke your heart?” I shook my head slowly. “You don’t know what you’re missing out on.”
    “Oh, I think I do.”
    “I could surprise you, you know. I might be the best thing that ever happened to you. But if you don’t give me a chance, you will never know.”
    Again that smile appeared on her full lips, bringing a light to her eyes that could have lit the darkest of rooms. I felt like I was standing in the center of a spotlight when she shone those eyes on me, and that was a feeling I wanted to keep.
    “If I go out with you, just once, will you leave me alone?”
    “I can’t make promises.”
    She groaned…but the groan ended in a soft giggle.
    “Okay. One date. But I’m not making promises, either.”
    I ran up to the nurses’ station the moment I got off the elevator, a little breathless as I slammed my hands on the counter to get their attention.
    “Harley Alistair?”
    “Are you Mr. Boggs?”
    I nodded, watching the short, overweight nurse come toward me.
    “If you’ll follow me,” she said, gesturing over her shoulder, as she pushed through the little gate that blocked the area behind the desk from unauthorized access. She walked slowly down the hall before she stopped and gestured for me to enter a door on the left. I thought it would be a patient room, that Harley would be lying in a bed, a little bruised but basically okay, annoyed with all the fuss being made over her. But it wasn’t. It was a small break room with hulking vending machines overshadowing the small table set in the center.
    “What’s going on?” I demanded the moment the nurse joined me in the little room and closed the door.
    “As I said on the phone, the accident was quite serious.”
    “Where’s Harley?”
    The nurse pressed her lips together and gestured toward the table, making it clear that she wasn’t going to tell me what I wanted to know until I calmed a little. I took a deep breath, trying to remind myself that this woman was in control here, not me. But it was a difficult thing to concede.
    I took a seat, crossing my legs and locking my fingers together in my lap. She sat, too, sighing as she flexed her feet in their clunky white nurse’s shoes.
    “Ms. Alistair was brought into the ER via ambulance about three hours ago. The paramedics said that she was jogging on Third Street when a car apparently veered out of control and hit her. She was unconscious when they arrived.”
    I stared down at my hands, anger and fear and hatred and a million different emotions I couldn’t even begin to decipher filling my chest. I didn’t look up, didn’t speak. I was afraid if I did, I would say something I shouldn’t and this nurse would have me escorted out by security. I needed to see Harley. I needed to know she was okay.
    “Ms. Alistair has a broken leg, three cracked ribs, and a dislocated shoulder. There are also many cuts and bruises, but

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