Reluctantly Married

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Book: Reluctantly Married by Victorine E. Lieske Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victorine E. Lieske
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ominous? She nodded, unsure of what to think. Maybe he did want to tell her, and Leon was forcing his hand. Maybe this was all Leon’s fault.
    He glanced at his watch. “We’d better get on set. The show starts in a few minutes.”
    As Megan pinned her microphone on, she caught a glimpse of a woman off set wearing a beige business suit. Her heart caught in her throat. Doctor Lemon. Or whoever she really was.
    Adam knew…that had to be what he wasn’t telling her. Her mouth went dry. Why was the actress here? Was she going to reveal herself as a hack? What were they going to say?
    She straightened in her chair, as Dale was already counting down. Nothing she could do about it now. If this was it and they were going to try to humiliate her, she was ready. She could deflect them.
    After their first break, when they were supposed to introduce a teen violinist, Adam turned to the camera and flashed his plastic smile. “We’ve had a bit of a change in schedule. Tiffany Brighten was unable to make it today, so we’ve brought back a popular guest from earlier in the month. Please welcome relationship specialist Doctor Shelby Lemon.”
    Megan kept her face passive, even after Adam shot her an apologetic glance. The girl posing as the doctor stepped up on the set and took a seat next to Megan. How had she not seen it before? The woman was quite young, only made up to look older with her over-sized glasses and an obvious wig.
    “Tell us what you’ve been up to.” Adam leaned forward, his television smile in place, but a bead of sweat belied his nerves.
    Doctor Lemon laughed. “You know, the life of a researcher. Pretty boring. What I’d like, Adam, is to get an update on how things are going with you and Megan.” She eyed the two of them over the rim of her glasses.
    Adam chuckled. “Our relationship is an open book, Shelby. It’s on the Internet, after all.”
    Megan’s shoulders relaxed with relief. This was just an update show. They’d talk about their online dating, get more hype for Leon’s website, and that would be it.
    “Yes, of course I’ve been watching the show. Very entertaining. But what I’m most interested in is what happens off-camera.” A wicked grin crossed Doctor Lemon’s face.
    Adam sat frozen, the stupid smile plastered on as if he’d stuck his face in cement. Megan jumped in. “Of course we speak to each other when we’re not on camera, but you pretty much get to see everything important going on.”
    Adam snapped out of his stupor. “I’m curious to know what you think of our relationship, after watching our dates.”
    Yes. Turn the tables back onto her. Megan silently applauded him. The fake doctor patted his knee. “I have watched you grow closer. Is it true that your feelings for Megan have increased?”
    He didn’t miss a beat. “Yes. Most definitely.”
    “You get pretty cozy on camera. I’m glad to hear it’s not all an act.”
    Megan seethed, gripping the sides of her chair. Who was this fake to imply their relationship wasn’t real, when she was the impostor? “We’ve grown quite fond of each other. Adam is a perfect gentleman.”
    “Well, not a perfect gentleman. I’ve seen those doorstep scenes.” Shelby raised her eyebrows.
    Adam laughed. “I’ve been told I’m a good kisser.”
    Heat rose to Megan’s face, but she pushed down her embarrassment. It wasn’t a lie. “I’m not going to argue.”
    “Why, Megan, you’re blushing.” The grin on Doctor Lemon’s face gave her a sour stomach. “Tell me, how would you categorize your relationship with Adam?”
    “We’re friends.” The words slipped out before she could think about them, but the look on Adam’s face made her sink into her chair.
    Doctor Lemon pursed her lips. “Surely you’ll admit to being closer than just friends .”
    Megan cleared her throat, trying to buy time. What was she to say to that? Of course they were more than friends, if she were being honest with herself. But what should she

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