Reluctant Demon

Reluctant Demon by Linda Rios Brook Page A

Book: Reluctant Demon by Linda Rios Brook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Rios Brook
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it was for Satan to get Earth back. I knew things weren't over yet, so I stayed around to see what would happen when God showed up, as He was sure to do.
    I climbed up on my perch and tried to figure out what the real problem was with what Adam and Eve had done. To be candid, I expected God might think it over and give them a pass. A rational mind would have to conclude this episode did not merit changing the destiny of Earth. Adam and Eve wanted to know the difference between good and evil. So who doesn't? Later on I would hear God tell people a thousand times to flee from evil.
    How does one flee from evil if he doesn't know what evil looks like?
    They wanted to be like God; again, who doesn't? As time passed, I would hear humans sing about wanting to be more like God, with God liking every note of it. W h y is it fine for future generations to want to be like God, but not them?
    Was any of what Satan said to them true? Not really.
    Their eyes were opened to things they hadn't paid attention to before, but those things had always been there.
    The first thing they saw was their nakedness. They had never been anything but naked. They just hadn't noticed.
    I don't know how they saw themselves prior to this, but being naked was apparently a big surprise to them.
    They sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. With this new knowledge Satan had promised them, they somehow connected being naked with knowing good and evil. W h o knows?
    When they heard the rustling of the trees and felt the coolness of the air, they both took off in different directions and nose-dived into the underbrush. God had arrived.
    God called, "Adam, where are you?"
    Adam crouched down and did not say a word. I knew how he felt as he hid behind a palm tree, hoping God would not find him. I found myself remembering the sorrow, fear, and self-loathing that overwhelmed me when I realized that by my own ambivalence, I had disobeyed God and separated myself from Him forever.
    Why did I listen to Lucifer?
    As I heard God call for Adam again, I began to feel sad, hurt, and angry about it. God was actually seeking after this disobedient creature. God had never searched or called out to me after the rebellion. I hadn't really done anything wrong, not like Adam anyway. Adam knew the rule and intentionally disobeyed. I was a victim of circumstances. If God had cared the slightest thing about me, He should have realized it and given me a second chance.
    At God's third call, Adam sheepishly stepped from behind the tree. He looked like a tree himself, decked out in his new leaf clothing.
    "Adam," God said, "why didn't you come when I called?"
    Adam didn't work very hard on his answer. "I heard You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid."
    Then God replied, "Who said you were naked? Did you eat from the forbidden tree?"
    Adam looked around for Eve and, not seeing her, leaned in and whispered to God, "Yes, but it wasn't my fault. The woman You put here with me made me do it.
    She gave me some fruit from the tree and insisted I eat it."
    Satan blew his cover as a snake when he roared with delight as he heard what Adam said.
    Right then Eve stepped out into the clearing and stood behind Adam. Unaware she was there, Adam continued to explain to God how this was Eve's fault. I could see her face clearly as she listened to Adam accuse her. I'm quite sure that if I had been capable of pity, I would have had it for Eve that day. She was crushed and horrified.
    She could barely assimilate the idea that this man upon whom she had depended, believed, and loved was now willing to sacrifice her to the certain wrath of God.
    An awful thing happened in that moment for humanity. A breach occurred between men and women that has never been successfully mended. Satan would nest forever in that breach. Both of them were truly horrified when they realized that their enticer ridiculed them in the presence of God.
    "Kill them," Satan ranted to God. "They

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