Relentless Lord
guessed him to be in his late twenties. He held his gloves in his hands, but other than that, he was dressed at the height of gentlemanly fashion in elegant black breeches and a dove-gray coat over an emerald-colored waistcoat. He had thick black hair, a hard angled jaw and a broad forehead.
    His roguish expression struck Hannah most disconcertingly, because despite his attempt at casting his features into a solemn expression, he did not quite manage it. There was a rather exaggerated downward pull on his mouth, suggesting he was doing everything he could to hold back his laughter. As if in an attempt to compensate for the rebellion of his mouth, he had his dark eyebrows drawn low over a striking gaze.
    It was in those eyes that Hannah became momentarily lost.
    Eyes that continued to stare at her curiously from the short distance separating them.
    Eyes such a vivid green beneath the sweep of black lashes they reminded her of the lush vegetation that spread along the Nile during growing season.
    Eyes that laughed despite his solemn expression.
    She had heard tales of eyes like his.
    Hannah stiffened abruptly, sending another shot of pain through her leg.
    She scanned his features. Indeed, they matched a description she had heard spoken of numerous times in the past. Hannah suspected this was the very rake who had seduced and rejected her poor cousin two years ago. And, if rumors were to be believed, at least a dozen other young women just like her.
    Of all the people she could have encountered at this moment, it would be her luck that it should be a notorious scoundrel known for ruining innocent young women.
    “Excuse me,” she muttered, all of her cousin’s warnings about this man tumbling over themselves through her thoughts. “I should go.”
    She would be better served to take her chances in the labyrinth-like hallways than stand another minute with this man. She turned to head in the opposite direction. In her haste, she forgot about the situation with her garter. The fierce twisting motion of her body as she spun around caused the thing to catch even more of her flesh in its grip.
    Her breath hissed between her teeth and she closed her eyes tight against the prick of tears. How humiliating to be brought low by an incessant piece of lady’s underwear.
    “You are obviously in distress,” the green-eyed scoundrel said as he came toward her. “Allow me to help.”
    “No. I am quite all right.” Hannah lifted her hand to him in a gesture to keep him at bay.
    There had to be a way out of this.
    He obeyed her silent request and stopped his advance. His gaze was open and direct as he stared back at her. After a moment, he tipped his head and widened his lips in a smile.
    “I understand your reticence in accepting my assistance, but you may have no other choice. From what I can tell, your problem lies somewhere beneath your skirts.”
    Hannah narrowed her gaze. He was no gentleman at all if he would speak so plainly about her person.
    When she did not reply, he arched his brows in question. “Unless, there is some other reason you felt a need to throw them up.”
    Hannah scowled. Now that was definitely not a gentlemanly thing to say. And if she were in her right mind, she would have come up with something terribly scathing to say in reply.
    As it was, she was still a bit stunned by the smile he had flashed at her. The man was ridiculously handsome. And really, did a man that attractive need such a potent gaze?
    He took a couple steps closer, spreading his hands to his sides. “I can help. Tell me what is causing your pain.”
    She eyed him warily. She would be stupid to trust a man with his reputation.
    “Do you have a choice?” he asked, a note of reckless challenge in his tone.
    Did she?
    Another of her father’s rules came to mind.
    Not all challenges one may face can be predicted. Outside assistance may occasionally be required.
    Surely, that could not apply to her current situation.
    But the rogue with

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