Relatively Rainey

Relatively Rainey by R. E. Bradshaw Page A

Book: Relatively Rainey by R. E. Bradshaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. E. Bradshaw
Tags: Fiction, thriller, Lgbt
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    “The thing is, I think there may be something real shady going on, but I’m not sure. It could be some urban myth, taking on a life of its own. I don’t want to look like an idiot if that is true.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “I think it could be connected to the two bodies they pulled out of that drainage pond.”
    “Oh, now it’s getting more out of bounds,” Rainey said, shaking her head. “This is the same pond with a body related to my case. You know I can’t go anywhere near that investigation.”
    Seemingly as determined as Rainey had been in her younger days, Wendy would not take no for an answer.
    “Rainey, you and I both know that case is not related to those teenagers’ bodies.”
    “Until that is a proven fact, I’m not on that case, nowhere near it. They hired another consultant to work with the investigators.”
    Rainey thought that would settle the discussion, but she was wrong. Wendy was not above pulling the sister card.
    “I would think that if a little sister felt strongly enough about something, a good big sister would trust her and ask how could she help.”
    Rainey was not that easily swayed. She chuckled at Wendy’s tactics.
    “Straight for the guilt trip. That didn’t take long.”
    “Please, Rainey. I’m staying at your house tomorrow night so you can go to Quantico. Peace of mind from knowing your three kids and stressed out wife are secure while you’re away, in exchange for two hours of your time.”
    “Whoa, layering it on now. This is great training for when Weather gets older and tries manipulating her mother and me.” Against her better judgment, Rainey gave in. “Okay, I’ll talk to these kids, but we agree right now, if there is anything at all I feel should be in an official report, we call it in. Officer Wendy is not embarking on an unofficial investigation and dragging my businesses down with her. Understood?”
    “Yes, ma’am,” Wendy said, with a mock salute and in perfect little sister style added, “Who are you kidding? When Weather is my age you’ll be so old, you will be an easy mark for that child. She’s already running the show.”
    “Oh, shut up,” Rainey said, laughing because it was the truth.
    “Wow, Wendy, you do look like your sister.”
    A handsome man approached with Sheila Robertson at his side, wearing fashionable glasses and a tweed suit to round out his professorial look. He was a little taller than Rainey, a few inches over six feet, and had the athletic build of a man younger than his slightly graying temples suggested. Rainey recognized him from the Cookie Kutter show, but would never admit she’d watched his discussion on paraphilia. She looked him up, read his bio and the study he authored on fetishism. She also knew of him from her currently blushing little sister. Rainey could see the schoolgirl crush responsible for Wendy’s gushing praise since she enrolled in one of his classes last fall. She was now on her second course with the dashing professor.
    “Dr. Teague, what brings you to the Academy?” Wendy said, her broad smile beaming up at him.
    “I have an appointment with Detective Robertson and heard your sister would be discussing the Triangle Terror analysis.” He turned his brilliant smile to Rainey. “I was most impressed, Agent, I mean Ms. Bell. I’m sorry, the agent label is hard for me to dismiss. I’ve studied your analysis of Dalton Chambers and his crimes. It’s required reading for my advanced forensic psychology classes. He extended his hand. I’m happy to meet finally.”
    Rainey shook his hand. “Thank you, Dr. Teague, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Please, call me Rainey. I’ve heard good things about you from Wendy.”
    Rainey knew the department heads had forced another analyst on the task force. Cookie Kutter wasn’t the only person doubting Rainey’s skills. Rainey wasn’t supposed to know about the request for a reevaluation of her profile. Sheila clarified

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