hands in my lap like a good southern lady does.
Steven smiled his, what I was beginning to call, trademark grin.
Moving with grace, he sat in the chair beside me and began rocking
gently. I felt my heart race wonderfully as he looked at me. I did
start to feel stupid with both us of sitting in the rockers,
smiling at each other.
    “Did you have fun at the party?” He asked,
his smile dazzling me.
    “Yes. I’ve never been to a pasture party
before in New York.” I said giggling.
    “Probably never will.”
    We sat in silence for a moment, looking out
at the horizon. The white fence looked old against the beautiful
tank. Maybe Grandpa and I should paint that next. I could picture
all the fun we could have in my head. I bet we could ask mom and
dad to help out! Aunt Rachel and her family could come as well. It
would be an Underwood family project!
    “How much longer are you here for?” Steven
asked, brining me back to earth.
    “We leave the first week in August.” I
couldn’t help but show my excitement.
    Steven laughed again but not while looking at
me. Argggh! I realized that I sounded like an incredibly
insensitive, city snob.
    “Not that I don’t like it here. In fact, Lee
is very charming. I can understand why my grandfather loves it
here.” I added.
    That seemed to help my stupidity. Steven
nodded in agreement while looking at his feet. He was rocking
gently in the chair, in deep thought.
    “Do you think you’ll be here long enough to
go out with me?” He asked me from his chair.
    I wasn’t shocked but I was a little
surprised. I didn’t expect him to ask me out, only to keep playing
the little game he had going with me. Since I was only here for a
short time, I thought he would flirt with me, a lot and I would
return his flirts, but nothing would happen and I would go home. I
felt a thrill go thru my body for I wanted to go out with him very
much! I felt so conflicted! I wanted to go out with him but I
couldn’t betray Jeff and our relationship.
    Then again, Jeff wouldn’t know. How could he?
I wouldn’t tell him and I don’t think Steven would either. My
parents didn’t think too much of my relationship with Jeff, so I
knew they wouldn’t care or mention it to him. In two months, I
would be gone and no one would be the wiser. I suppressed a giggle
while I let the excitement pass thru me. I loved this kind of a
    I turned my head flirtingly to Steven. Our
eyes met and a spark seemed to pop between us that hadn’t been
there before. My legs went warm as I thought about going on a date
with him. I was about to answer him in a flirty way and say yes to
his offer when I stopped. Guilt flooded my entire body and stabbed
my heart. I winced with shame. This wasn’t the kind of lady I
    “You are very sweet to ask me Steven, but I
have a boyfriend.” I gushed stupidly and got up to leave him
sitting alone in my backyard. I smacked myself on the forehead when
I was out of sight, I sounded so stupid!
    I couldn’t believe what I almost did! I
wanted to tell Jeff that I almost said yes to another guy’s offer
for a date but decided against it. Since I didn’t say yes, I
figured a little summer crush wasn’t important enough to tell him
about. I didn’t want to upset Jeff and our relationship, though I
was starting to get a little worried he was having a little summer
crush of his own.

Chapter Fifteen
    In the weeks that passed after my
grandmother’s funeral, I thought a lot about Jeff. We didn’t talk
very often on our phones or by text due to my crappy service
coverage but we did talk by Skype. When we did talk, it was short
and not very romantic. He was involved with football camp, his
friends and was about to go on vacation with his family. I kept my
emotions in check, I didn’t want to appear as if I was jealous or
possessive but my patience was starting to fade with Jeff.
    I tried to show him my little room and how I
changed it but he didn’t seem too interested. The walls were

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