Redemption (The Extinct Race Series Book 4)

Redemption (The Extinct Race Series Book 4) by Michelle Farrell Page A

Book: Redemption (The Extinct Race Series Book 4) by Michelle Farrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Farrell
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    “Yeah me too, you know I really am wondering who is going to have the Pearl females? Haven’t you all thought of that? I mean our kids can’t be together so someone is going to have their mates.” Halina announced
    “You know I hadn’t until now.” Zoe wondered.
    “You know Morgan and Quinn are going to make beautiful babies. She puts us all to shame and I thought I was pretty. Shit sorry Zoe you are an Angel but she even puts you to shame.” Justine joked.
    “Oh I know! Once we had her clean it was like I couldn’t wait to show off my new Barbie or something like that. She is a doll and her personality fits her so well. She is quiet and petite and gosh I just want to squeeze her!” Zoe laughed and soon all the girls were laughing. The boys were confused because they all thought their mates were the most beautiful thing in the world.
    They all spent the afternoon talking and enjoying their time together. When Morgan and Quinn had enough of the Dragon training they went to go check were Zoe was first and then the tables. When they got there the tables were all ready to go and it seemed Paulo had been there using the left over wood to make matching chairs with the same design that Morgan had on the table. He did after all ask her to make another large trunk when they had finished with the sealant and now there were seventy five completely finish chairs.

    Chapter 15
    New Talents
    Hunter entered the house to find Morgan and Quinn staring at the table. They would stare a moment and then look around behind them. Repeating the looks for a good few minutes.
    “What are you guys up to?” Hunter asked
    “Well while Zoe is outside and the tables are ready to bring in we wanted to do surprise her. But where do we put this monster of a table?” Morgan asked
    “Well how about we push it along the back wall here next to the doorway of the kitchen and then the food can go on it and the plates. I have seen the way Mary cooks and places the food and everyone always chooses something different. Maybe we should ask her opinion though before we just make a decision.” Hunter asked
    “Good idea.” Quinn answered and the three of them went to the kitchen and found Mary prepping the dessert.
    “Hey Mary can we ask your opinion on something?” Morgan inquired
    “Of course dear.” Mary smiled at the three of them.
    “Ok well Zoe asked for another long table but we sort of made five large round ones that seat about fifteen each. Anyway the long table we were wondering where to put it and Hunter thought it could go along the wall right outside the doorway here” Morgan pointed to the doorway “and we were thinking maybe like the food and plates and stuff could go there then you wouldn’t have to make a whole bunch of dishes for five different tables.”
    “Oh honey, I think that is a great idea besides you all arrive for food at different times so there shouldn’t be long lines or anything. Plus it saves me on dishes.” Mary loved the idea of just walking to the side and along the wall instead of up and down and around the table to get things.
    “Great! We will go set it all up then. Thank you so much.” Morgan giggled and skipped out of the room. The men pushed the table to the side and started taking the chairs to the front and back porches to make seating areas since there wasn’t any on either porch. They then went and got the tables one at a time while Morgan got the chairs.
    They set them all up and put the kiddy table in the middle. They made sure to make enough room that two people could pass through even when the chairs were pulled out. Cassie, Brielle and Aubry came through the back door with five vases made of the vines all tightly woven to hold the dirt and water along with the beautiful flowers that they held. They placed them all in the center of each table.
    Just as the last chair was placed in the correct spot Mary came out of the kitchen. “Oh my, these

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