Red Ridge Pack 1 Pack of Lies
to say, Cade?”
    “I have to pretend to be with Kendall, just pretend. Until I figure out what to do. Kendall and I are not together. I told her today. Please, Alli, say something.”
    “I don’t know what to say.”
    Having no idea what else to say either, I did the only thing I could think to do. I wrapped my arms around her and did the one thing that I wanted to do since I saw her walking down that dirt path. I kissed her.
    And she kissed me back.

Chapter 22
    Three fabulous weeks. For three weeks, I have been sneaking out of my house, night after night, to be with Cade, and to be honest, these have been the best three weeks of my entire life. He’s so amazing, but… yes, of course, there’s a but. He does have one major flaw. He has a girlfriend. A girlfriend who doesn’t seem to be going away. Major flaw!
    Yes, Kendall and Cade were still technically together, which obviously sucked, and even though Cade promised me that it was only a façade to keep the pack elders happy, I couldn’t help but ask myself every five minutes or so what the hell was I thinking.
    But here I was again. It was Saturday night, and I was getting ready to sneak out. It was like I had no willpower, no self-control around him. I knew in my head that my relationship with Cade was wrong in more ways than one, but I couldn’t stop my heart from wanting it to continue. I wanted to see him. I wanted to be with him. So I kept on going back, despite the fact that everyone, including my entire family, thought that Kendall and Cade were still together.
    Taking one more look in the mirror at my guilt-ridden face, I grabbed my bag, filled it with the change of clothes that Cade said to bring with me, and headed out my window. Maybe we’re going to the hot springs… again.
    We went to five movies, three trips to the hot springs, and a few stops at the all-night coffee shop on the outskirts of town, all in hopes of avoiding other members of the pack. Secret dating was getting more than a little old. We were running out of places to go, but at least Cade was trying to keep things interesting.
    Thank God I’m not afraid of heights. Sneaking out of a two-story house was no easy task. Climbing up and down the tree the first few times was a little tricky, but it wasn’t long before I was pretty good at it. We had our routine down pat. Cade waits for me just down the dirt road from my house by a huge oak tree that keeps him semi-covered. He always looks uber-hot leaning up against his motorcycle in his leather jacket and jeans, very James Dean. Tonight was no exception.
    “Hey angel,” Cade said as he walked toward me.
    “Hey yourself,” I responded coyly, knowing that my favorite part of the night was about to commence.
    After an entire day of acting like there was nothing going on between us, I could hardly wait for his lips to meet mine. I hurried toward him and wrapped my arms around his neck. His soft lips melded into mine, he took his time, like he wanted to memorize every inch of my mouth, and I immediately turned to goo.
    When our lips finally parted, Cade grabbed my bag and handed me my helmet.
    “Where are we going? The hot springs?” I asked, trying to sound excited, but secretly hoping we would do something new.
    “No, I have a surprise for you.”
    A smile spread across my face as I hopped on the back of his motorcycle, wrapped my arms around him, and buried my face in his scent. Now that I had Cade back in my arms, I wouldn’t have minded if we just rode around all night on his bike. If only it wasn’t so freakin’ cold.
    We didn’t drive far, and we never left the estate, so I was a little surprised when he stopped his bike and helped me off.
    “It’s my dad’s old hunting lodge,” Cade said as he pointed toward the front porch.
    “Will anyone catch us here?” I asked.
    “He hasn’t used it in years, so unless someone followed us here, no.”
    Cade unlocked and opened the front door. He took out a flashlight

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