reckless hearts: vegas nights

reckless hearts: vegas nights by lucretia richmond Page A

Book: reckless hearts: vegas nights by lucretia richmond Read Free Book Online
Authors: lucretia richmond
hardly had any time for the press, she was lucky he even answered his phone.
    He set up a date for the interview and she was satisfied, she felt anxious to see him and wasn't sure.  She had felt the same butterflies she had felt the night at the club after his set when she walked up to his penthouse door on the 33rd floor. Butterflies she used to feel for Adam. He opened the door in an opened, long black buttoned shirt and black leather pants, his medium length hair looking as though he had just stepped out of the shower. He quickly smiled when he saw her standing there.
    "You're early." He said happily.
    She had already won him over, it felt as though she was trying hard to get his attention but she didn't even have to try.
    "Have a seat anywhere you like." He insisted. She took one next to a giant fish tank which she didn't expect him to have and seemed to take good care of the water was a clean blue and the fish were growing and healthy, it showed how caring his heart was.
    Reckless Hearts                                                                                                                              3
    Luanne placed her notepad in her lap and held up her pen as he stood in front of her ready to talk on a business level but was also hoping to get personal.
    "Your music, it not only seems very original but with a lot of heart as well. Is it something you've always wanted to do." Luanne asked curiously not sure what would happen between them if they had gotten to know each other better.
    " Yeah I have, music is in my blood my father was a musician and my grandfather was a musician, it's what I've waited my whole life for." Brock answered.
    His reply was something she was proud to have had the chance to have been able to write down.
    "You don't seem to be the kind of musician who does this for the limelight." Luanne said flirtatiously.
    " No, that wasn't what I was after, music is what I love and it makes others happy when they hear it." Brock replied.
    As she was getting to know him more, who he truly was on the inside she began to actually fall for him and it wasn't because he was her staring into her eyes with his own that made her body quiver. She knew he had got her gazing at his lips and knew she was going to leave that penthouse with more than she went there waking up in his arms, she felt what she had never felt before not with Adam, not with any relationship, she dreaded the thought of having to leave within the hour. She had to give the interview to her boss to be published the next day who was always in a hurry to beat the other magazines. Brock could feel how much she wanted to stay and he knew how much he wanted her to.
    "I've got a fax machine will that work.?"  Brock asked hopefully.
    "Possibly." Luanne replied with a smile anxious to kiss him, she leaned in reaching for his lips.    
    Making their morning even more wonderful. She wasn't sure how it would have affected her relationship with Adam or how she would even tell him but at that moment she didn't much care. 
    "I wanted to do that the first time I saw you." Brock said happily, he was almost afraid of admitting what he was truly feeling; he had never let himself get too close to any woman.
    Falling in love with a nineteen year old would have brought complications to the relationship, issues he was ready for being a rock star and having to deal with it on stage made him ready for all of it.
                  Reckless Hearts                                                                                                                4
    Luanne could feel her thrill and excitement as she dressed for the day, making her happier she didn’t take the job at the campus

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