Rebel's Baby

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Book: Rebel's Baby by Lauren Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Hunt
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by. We didn't have very many customers these days but Cash assured us that things would turn around.
    I strolled into the clubhouse and found the place crawling with people. Breaker Maiden's “Aces High” was playing in the background. It was barely noon and the party was already in full swing. Drinks were flowing and half-naked sluts had their arms around every guy.
    “Holy fuck, Pain! We were wondering where you were.” Coal came through the crowd and embraced me. His shaved head reminded me of a cue ball. A stark contrast to all our long hair. “Shit! You smell like a dead Mexican.”
    “An almost dead Mexican. I left him a few scars. The wetbacks will think twice before coming back into our town. You guys get any?”
    Tank came over and slapped me on the back. “We chased the wetbacks until the law got on our tail. We barely escaped. The Prez will want to hear what you did.”
    I nodded. “I'll tell him soon. I need to take a shower first and wash this stench off me. Then maybe I got a date with Coal's mom. She called me and said her giant tits needed to be milked.”
    Tank fell over laughing. Coal grit his teeth and clenched his fists. His mom was a fucking knockout and each one of would kill to bury our cocks inside her. “You better take that back, Pain. I'm going to have to rearrange that pretty face of yours.”
    I dodged behind Tank's huge body, using him as a shield to avoid Coal's blows. I escaped through the crowd of people and made it to the bar. Tater slid me a beer and gave me a nod. I took a sip and my body relaxed instantly. I turned around and surveyed the room. There was a flood of wet pussy in here. My fiery balls were begging to be drained. Any one of these chicks would do. The feel of their lips around my cock, sucking the cum right down their throats. I was tempted to sling a slut over my back and carry her to my room. But first I needed a shower to wash off all that Mexican blood.

Chapter Two

Class ended early when the professor made some excuse about having to go to the doctor. He probably was going to office to screw one of his assistants. Why was I paying so much for college when even the teachers didn't want to be there? I collected my heavy books and left, dreading the four-hour wait until my next class started.
    I walked across the large green lawn with students sunbathing on towels. This was a school not a beach. Did these girls come to class wearing skimpy bikini's or did they bring them in their backpacks? They probably weren't even enrolled in classes here. I sat down on the edge of a planter and went over my notes for my next class: Algebra 101. I thought I could avoid math when I got to college but it turned out to be a requirement for my major.
    I wanted to become a physical therapist to help people get back on their feet. The salary for entry positions were high so that couldn't hurt either. I had already done forty hours or so of volunteer work and loved it so far. Maybe I could finally move away and get out from under Byron's thumb.
    My parents died when I was too young to remember and I was adopted by a nice black family. All I remember them telling me was that they died in a car crash. I'd later find out that they were shot and killed coming out of a convenience store. Who the fuck goes and shoots up a convenience store? They barely hold any cash.
    It was a little weird at first, being the only white person in the house but I got used to it fairly quickly. My adopted parents were so nice to me. My adopted brother Byron was only a few years older than me and he acted like a true big brother. The only problem was he got more and more protective as we grew up. He'd go as far as preventing me from dating, telling boys in high school that he'd shoot them up. Hell, I didn't even get to go to my senior prom because Byron scared my date into bailing on me. The funny thing was, back then, Byron didn't even own a gun. He was all

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