RATH - Inception

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Book: RATH - Inception by Jeff Olah Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeff Olah
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who he was, where he was, and why he stood ten feet from the girl now begging for mercy. He knew what the object at the edge of the tracks was and how it had come to its final resting place.
    He also remembered the love of his life being ripped from this valley minutes before.

    They shouldn’t have been this far east with the approaching cold right against our backs… they’re getting sloppy, if not a little desperate . Why?
    The events of the past thirty minutes raced through his head as he put pressure against his temples in an effort to relieve the incessant pounding. Now completely engulfed under the low hanging canopy of the surrounding oak, he leaned into the nearest tree, giving his vision the opportunity to clear. As the images began to materialize in waves of fear and panic, he dropped to his knees and began to recall every horrific detail.
    .      .      .
    As the snow began to fall, she turned to him, arching her brow and looking into the distance. “How much farther?”
    “It’ll be fine; we’ve got at least a few hours before we need to worry.”
    “How far?”
    “Sarah, trust me. We’re only a mile or so outside of District Two, and there’s nothing to worry about.” He knew better than to lie to her and if his placement was correct, they’d be able to sleep in an actual bed for the first time in twelve days. He’d lived just outside this area shortly after the turn and hoped above all else that someone would remember him or his family from before the incident. Either way, it was strictly against District policy to exclude any non-threats. He and Sarah could use fictitious names to petition for residency and even if turned away, they’d at least have a few nights to rest.
    “I’m trusting you, and you’d better remember what happens if I catch you stretching the truth, young man.” Sarah moved in behind and getting a grip on his shoulders, leapt onto his back. “You get to carry me the rest of the way.”
    He smiled and in craning his neck backward, kissed her hard. “I don’t know if I’m more afraid of that or running into another group of—”
    The sound was distant, maybe a mile or two off, although completely unmistakable. Sarah released her grip and slid to the ground, both feet planted on the slight decline as she met his gaze. Awaiting his reaction, she covered her mouth and followed his eyes to the treeline in the distance. With less than a hundred yards to the base of the forest, Sarah ran. She didn’t wait for him to tell her, she just ran.
    The smaller drone appeared first above the trees, then dropped into the valley at a rate much too fast, and narrowly avoided the first bridge. It appeared to be fighting itself to accelerate and rise at the same time. Three seconds later, it collided with the second bridge, coming to rest in a smoldering heap twenty feet from where his wife now stood, frozen in place.
    Already in a full sprint, his stomach dropped at the sight of the next drone coming over the trees. Matching the exact shape and design of the downed craft—although much larger and with a holding bay built to accommodate large numbers of passengers—it shook the earth as it descended. The light dusting of snow filtered away as it came to rest and the first of ten soldiers exited the rear compartment. They marched through the vortex and straight toward his wife as she called out to him. Her words were obliterated as they left her lips, crushed by the thunderous jets overpowering the valley.
    Dropping his pack, he withdrew the lead pipe and moved in quick, taking the first man to his knees with one massive blow to the torso. Number two was even less trouble, as a single strike ripped the man’s helmet from his head, sending him backward and into number three and four. The three men stumbled backward and landed with such force that it alerted the others of his presence.
    As he turned to face the others,

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