Rare Vintage

Rare Vintage by Bianca D'Arc Page A

Book: Rare Vintage by Bianca D'Arc Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bianca D'Arc
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Paranormal
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“Lick my neck just below the ear,” he coached in an excited
whisper, “find the pulse with your tongue.”
    He nearly came as she followed his instructions, but held
himself ruthlessly in check. This first time they would come together as they
fed together. As it was meant to be.
    He licked her in return, showing her without words how to
zero in on the pulsing throb that meant sustenance to their kind. He groaned as
she teethed him, teasing him as only a vampire lover could. He hadn’t made love
to many fanged women in his time, but he’d been with enough to think eagerly of
the ways they could play together as she became more comfortable with her new
strength and abilities.
    They had a lot to look forward to.
    “Bite me, Marc!”
    Her plea rang through his heart, surprising him into action.
She was ready.
    He bit down, through her delectable skin and into her
pulsing essence. Her taste flooded his mouth at the same moment he felt her
first hard bite. His face buried in her throat as hers was in his, he could
only groan against her skin as she took her first tentative sips from his body.
    She moaned in pleasure, and he knew all would be well when
she sucked harder at his pulse, demanding more. Her fears were still in the
back of her mind, but the hunger for her mate was stronger at the moment. He
pulsed within her, and she took all he could give and demanded more. He was
nearly out of control. She was precious, his mate, and perfect for him.
    He stroked into her as her essence flowed into his body,
reviving his cells as his blood restored her in return. The psi energy of their
mating was strong. It pulsed in them both, feeding their need for blood and
lust at the same time—the way only mates could do.
    It couldn’t last forever. Marc neared his climax even as she
began to shiver and shake around him. Her mouth stayed on his throat even as
she screamed in their shared minds, her orgasm overtaking her and dragging him
over the edge into the blissful oblivion of her body.
    He groaned, his body seizing as pleasure washed over him. He
knew she was flying every bit as high as he was, deep as he was in her mind,
her body, her soul. He rejoiced in the joining that was as complete as they
could make it. Never would he be alone again.
    After long moments of bliss, they slowly floated back to
earth. She kissed his neck, sucking lightly as he licked her wounds closed with
a few final, nuzzling nips. She followed his example, healing him with her
tongue, using her new powers without really thinking about them, having learned
from his mind how to wield a few of the lesser powers of her new form.
    “Are you okay?” He knew she was dealing well from the merging
of their minds, but he wanted to hear her say it.
    She nodded, nuzzling his jaw. She was soft in his arms, and
very distracting, but he wouldn’t be distracted. This was too important.
    “ Mon amour ?”
    She made a humming sound of satisfaction deep in her throat
that threatened to make him hard again. He fought against it until he was sure
she was okay with all that had transpired. He drew away, taking some of his
weight off her and was slightly amused when she refused to let him go far. He
took it as a good sign.
    “Kelly? My heart?”
    She lifted one sleepy eyelid to look at him. “Can’t you see
I’m basking here?”
    He grinned. “That good, eh?”
    “Don’t get a swelled head. I’ll admit the opening round was
fantastic, but I have yet to learn if that was just a fluke.”
    He chuckled at her words. It had been centuries since a
lover had teased him so brazenly. Never had he been with a woman he’d taken
into his heart and his very soul. She was so special to him, it hurt, but in
the best possible way.
    “I can assure you, that was no fluke.”
    “Oh, yeah?” She arched an eyebrow. “Prove it.”
    He growled and pushed his newly awakened cock back into her. “Never dare me, ma petite . You’ll find I’m always
up to a challenge.”
    “ Mmm ,

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