Rancher For The Holidays (Love Inspired)
a trail ride. Thoughts of him brought a smile to her lips. The annoyingly cute city boy certainly was full of surprises.
    Marley’s stomach clenched as she pulled into her parking spot down the alley from the studio. She really needed to make sure Ben didn’t carry his publicity efforts beyond Alpine—or if he did, he kept her name out of it. The chances of anyone making the connection between Marley Sanders and the former Marsha Sanderson were slim, but it wasn’t worth taking the risk.
    * * *
    As the event date neared, the Spirit Outreach committee began holding more frequent meetings. With plans to serve cold drinks and burgers after the ride, they had arranged to rent or borrow picnic tables, chairs and a large party tent. A local country-and-western band would provide entertainment.
    Marley had already heard several announcements about the trail ride on local radio stations, and Neil Ingram, a feature writer for the
Alpine Avalanche
, offered coverage in a series of articles about Spirit Outreach and their work in Candelaria. With the addition of an information and sign-up page to the church’s website, rider registrations were already coming in.
    At a committee meeting near the end of October, Pastor Chris summarized their progress to date. “As of this morning, we have twenty-two riders signed up. Most of our supplies have been donated or offered at a reduced rate, but we’re still only looking at a profit of around twelve hundred dollars.”
    Marley’s stomach sank. She’d been hoping for at least two or three times that much. “The ride is still a month away. Surely we’ll get a few more by then.” She knew firsthand from her photography classes about last-minute registrations.
    Seated across the table from her, Ben cast a frown in her direction. “Marley, I know you’ve wanted to keep this local, but Alpine isn’t that big a town. We need to widen our reach, and we need to do it now so potential riders can make plans.”
    She should be happy Ben had obviously grown more invested in the fund-raising event than he’d initially intended. But now she had to weigh her concerns about personal privacy against Spirit Outreach’s goals.
    Shifting higher in her chair, she jiggled her empty soda can on the tabletop. “Maybe Thanksgiving weekend wasn’t such a great idea, after all.”
    “We can’t change it now,” Pastor Chris stated. “Ben’s right. Let’s get the word out in Marfa, Fort Davis, Presidio, Fort Stockton—any town within a hundred-mile radius.”
    With the rest of the committee in agreement, Marley couldn’t argue. She listened and took notes during the rest of the meeting, relieved when they finally broke up around ten thirty.
    Ben caught up with her as she walked out to the parking lot. “Long night.”
    “We had a lot to cover.” Stifling a yawn, Marley dug through her purse for her keys.
    “I hope I didn’t step on your toes with the publicity thing, but I know how badly you want this event to succeed.”
    “No, you’re right. We need to get the word out.” She unlocked her car and set her purse and tablet computer inside.
    Ben didn’t seem in any hurry to head to his own car, on the other side of the lot. Marley noticed he tended to park his cute red Mustang well away from other vehicles. He rested an arm along the top of her door, which stood open between them. “Seen much of your friend Lucas lately?”
    She cast him an odd look. “Not really. Why?”
    “Just asking. I haven’t seen much of you except at these meetings, so I wondered where you’ve been keeping yourself.”
    “Trying to make a living. What else?” She regretted her tart tone the moment the words left her mouth. “I’m sorry, Ben. That sounded terrible. I should be asking you how the job search is going.”
    He sagged against the car door. “Going nowhere fast. Which is why I’m glad to have this trail-ride stuff to keep me occupied. Plus Uncle Steve never has any problem coming up with chores

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