Raising The Stakes (Heartwarming Romance)
passed out menus and filled water glasses. Then she cleared plates off another table, took a dessert order and placed a bill on a fourth table.
    She preferred the quiet of baking in her kitchen at home. Being around a lot of people filled her with unease. It unsettled her to feel so many eyes on her, to bump into customers before she saw them, to have her arm tugged unexpectedly. The sensations made her insides curl.
    When a hand fell on her shoulder, she jumped.
    Maggie’s concerned eyes searched hers. “Hey. You okay?”
    “I don’t know.” She thought about confiding in Maggie about her assault. They were close friends. It seemed wrong that Vivie had never shared this with her. But, somehow, talking about it outside of her support group felt dangerous. As if she’d summon her assailants by mentioning them. Moving to this rural area had felt like a clean break and she wanted to keep it that way. Separate lives. No bringing her menacing past with her.
    “Maybe I’m just being anxious,” she said, kicking aside the darker reason for her unease. “I haven’t seen Button all week and it’s stressing me out.”
    They shuffled aside when a customer asked if they were in line for the restroom.
    “So see her, Vivie. She chose you. There’s a reason for that. Don’t forget it.”
    “I can’t risk it. I’m lucky Liam didn’t take her after the last time.”
    “He’s been fair, Vivie. You have to give him that.”
    Vivie nodded, glad that of all the DEC officers, this one had dropped into her life. She no longer saw the heartless officer who’d ordered her to stop feeding winter wildlife. He had been understanding about Button. Given her chances when others wouldn’t. And then there was that special way he made her heart twitch whenever she caught sight of him.
    “You like him, don’t you?” Maggie’s small, bow-shaped mouthed curved. “You’re turning red.”
    Vivie jerked, stung. “What? No. Not that way. I mean, he’s okay. It’s just that...well—”
    Maggie wrapped her in a tight hug. “Hey. Don’t get worked up. You’ve got a lot on your plate right now and no need to add Officer Walsh to it. Speaking of whom...there’s Liam now.”
    His tall frame filled the door. The third time this week. Her pulse raced as she took in his angular face and the strong, proud way he stood as his eyes roamed the room.
    Had he suddenly developed a liking for pie or was he seeking her out? Not that it should matter. Yet Maggie, who knew her well, had her thinking. Despite their differences, she looked forward to his visits.
    Maggie strode off and Vivie watched Liam amble her way. With each step he took she became more self-conscious. If Maggie could read her strange feelings, could Liam, too?
    “Hi, Vivie. Thought I’d grab a coffee and some pie before heading back out.”
    She struggled to return his lazy smile, not sure if she’d come across as too eager, too happy, or what.
    “There’s a spot at the counter. I’ll send Maggie over to take your order.”
    His gorgeous eyes studied her. “Are you handling these tables?” He pointed to her station and the man flagging her down with a menu.
    “Yes,” she admitted.
    “Then I’ll take a spot there.” Liam stretched his impressive body, all female eyes swerving his way. “My back’s bothering me and I’d rather have a booth.”
    “Suit yourself.” She turned and marched to the red-faced customer.
    She took the irritated patron’s order and, as if on autopilot, refilled drinks and delivered meals as her mind turned over her current conundrum. Liam behaved as though their week together had made them friends. As for her, she just needed his cooperation to keep Button safe. But was she lying to herself? Despite her misgivings, she couldn’t deny his effect on her.
    “What’s it going to take to get some service over here?” Liam joked when she passed him for the fifth time.
    She drew in a deep breath and stopped by his table. “Apple or

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