Radiant Surrender (CSA Case Files Book 6)

Radiant Surrender (CSA Case Files Book 6) by Kennedy Layne Page A

Book: Radiant Surrender (CSA Case Files Book 6) by Kennedy Layne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kennedy Layne
Tags: thriller, Mystery
cultivated cover was blown and reality irrevocably changed their relationship forever.
    “Yes, what?” Crest studied her closely, watching for any sign that he was about to push her too far. Would that be a victory or a defeat? He leaned back against the small countertop and crossed his arms, giving her an appearance of leisure. As he did so, the start of that rush he so enjoyed at the beginning of a sub’s training gathered at imagining all the potential. “You’re not a complete novice, Jessica. I’m well aware that you played at Masters over the past couple of years and I even know with whom you played. You’re well versed in the psychology that goes behind this lifestyle as well as what is expected of you in your role. I will give you one more warning, because what you experienced with your previous partners was fairly far down the proverbial ladder than what is likely to happen with me. So I’ll put it to you once again. Do you want to continue down this path that you set us both on or are you deluding yourself by imagining us playing house with an occasional spanking to keep things edgy?”
    Jessie slowly sat up, the long waves of her silky brunette hair falling over her shoulder. It made him want to wrap the soft strands around his hand and yank her head back until she gasped and her lips parted for his. He refrained, needing an answer before this went any further. Even then he wouldn’t give her what she wanted as she understood it. It was what she didn’t want that would heighten the experience. Her cheeks were slightly flushed from awakening and there was a delicate indention on her jawline where she’d had the blanket tucked against her. She was as bright as the morning light that came streaming in the window from the corner of the blanket that they’d hung, which was where he would instruct her to stand once she said the inevitable answer.
    “Yes, Sir.”
    Crest’s insatiable beast came to the forefront and it took every ounce of strength he had not to move from this kitchen. He closed his hands into tight fists to prevent himself from reaching for her. Jessie had finally succeeded in releasing his inner demons and there was no turning back. She’d even inserted a challenge in those two words that had him needing her submission.
    “Stand, remove all of your clothing, and position yourself where the sun meets the floor.”
    Jessie didn’t hesitate, not that Crest thought she would. She was eager to experience what she thought he would give her as well as wanting to please him. She’d undoubtedly read up and even practiced what she’d learned about BDSM, but what he wanted went far beyond that. He watched as each piece of clothing that another man had given her was removed from her body. She was graceful in her movements and that wasn’t something that could be taught. A rush of hot blood surged through him.
    As Jessie finally stepped out of the black lace panties that she’d been wearing, Crest took time to study her erotic form in all its glory. She was proud of her body and she damn well should be. Her posture was flawless, her pert breasts were a bountiful C cup, her waist couldn’t be more than twenty-three inches around, and although she was petite…she had delicately muscled legs that would wrap around a man’s hips and be able to hold on for the ride. Her pussy was clean-shaven and she had the most beautifully fresh, pink colored clit he’d ever seen on a woman. Her golden skin turned sun kissed as she stood exactly where he’d instructed her to. She was a sight to behold and the longer he took his fill, the more restless she became. And so it started…
    “Turn around.”
    Jessie took her time in following his command, slowly spinning on her heel until her voluptuous backside was facing him. She worked out and it showed in the toned muscles of her buttocks as well as her thighs. It was a good thing that she kept in shape, for it would be needed with what he had planned for her in

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