sights, Brie.  I hope to fuck you’re ready for what happens next.  I think you’ll be just fine.” 
    Then her friend got up and walked away . 
    Her heart was able to beat twice before the men stood and headed in her direction. 
    Alone, watching them make their way around the dance floor, Brie tried desperately to contain her response. 
    It was futile. 
    Heart racing, breathing too fast, and filled with sexual need unlike anything she’d ever experienced, she stared at them as they stopped beside her table. 
    They were beautiful, partially broken, and she understood so much more about them.  She also wondered why they sought her out as a third to a well-established relationship. 
    Harper and Elijah weren’t simply friends.  They were lovers and she imagined they had been for a very long time.  They lived a double life, hiding their relationship, and probably eaten alive with stress about their secret being leaked. 
    Somehow, she managed to say, “Please sit down.”  They sat but remained silent.  “How have you been?” 
    Harper’s eyes stared into hers and she fought down the urge to look away and protect herself. 
    “You’re Natalia’s maid of honor.”  She nodded.  “I’m Hudson’s best man.” 
    “He told me.  I wasn’t surprised.  You were the best choice.”  Looking at Elijah, she asked, “Have you been practicing?” 
    “Yes.”  He leaned forward, crossed his arms on the surface, and looked as if he physically ached .  She hated that their relaxation before seeing her was gone.  “I thought you were out of town.” 
    “My flight was canceled.  I didn’t mind, to be honest.  I’m still nervous about going home.” 
    There was a long silence and Elijah growled, “Fucking say something.” 
    Matching his position brought their faces close across the small space.  “What do you think I’m not saying, Elijah?” 
    “Is it negative?” 
    “You know better than that.  I know you do.”  Reaching out, she took his hand and he gripped hers almost painfully hard.  “I don’t have a single negative thought in my mind.” 
    His green eyes held hers.  “You didn’t know?”  She shook her head.  “Did you suspect?” 
    “Something…I wasn’t sure.” 
    His frown deepened.  “You still…?” 
    “It changes nothing, Elijah.” 
    He pulled and she leaned closer.  Resting his forehead against hers, he whispered, “Why?” 
    “I think about you too much to ignore.”  She sighed.  “You clearly have more than most.”  She swallowed hard, “I don’t…understand the point of me at all.” 
    “We need you, Brie.” 
    Moving back, she cupped his cheek in her hand.  “I’m sure there are reasons the secrecy is necessary.  I hate that you’re clearly conflicted and I’m sorry you hurt.” 
    “How do you know I hurt?” 
    “Your eyes.  I didn’t understand all the reasons why.”  Inhaling carefully, she turned to look at Harper.  “You always allow the gentler man to handle me in some way.  Why?” 
    He didn’t reply at first but something flickered in his eyes.  He sat forward, rested his elbow on the edge, and seemed to look deep inside her.  “I need to be certain.” 
    “Certain of what?” 
    “Of you , Gabriella.”
    Frowning, she tilted her head.  “You’ve had…problems.”  He didn’t answer but continued to stare at her.  She closed her eyes.  “Oh my god.” 
    The world of wealth was a fairly small circle in Washington.  Though she hadn’t been close to the Delkins personally, her family’s relationship with them stretched back two decades. 
    Two years after graduating college with his master’s in business, Harper officially assumed the reins of his father’s multi-million-dollar company.  Over the course of the following three years, his management resulted in their first billion-dollar fiscal year. 
    The year he turned thirty, the Hernandez family received invitations to his wedding. 

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