Quicksilver Passion

Quicksilver Passion by Georgina Gentry - Colorado 01 - Quicksilver Passion Page B

Book: Quicksilver Passion by Georgina Gentry - Colorado 01 - Quicksilver Passion Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgina Gentry - Colorado 01 - Quicksilver Passion
    She looked at her hands in her lap.I don’t mean to make a fool of you, Bart. All I want is out of here.”
    And away from me?” He crossed the room, leaned on the fireplace with both hands, and stared into the flames.
    She didn’t answer, knowing the truth would infuriate him.
    You know why Jake brought you here? You know what you would be doing tonight if I hadn’t taken a fancy to you? There’s fifty rich, fat men in this town who keep asking when I’m putting you up for my clientele’s use. How would you like to have to let dozens of strangers ram into you every night? I’m tempted to do that; it would serve you right.”
    Do you want me in your bed now?” she sighed. The sooner she did it, the sooner it would be over with.
    Burt cursed.Okay, if that’s the way it’s got to be.” He threw the cigar into the fireplace, came over, caught her arm, and dragged her to her feet.I got no pride where you’re concerned, Silver, or I’d deny myself the use of that ripe body and let my customers have at you!”
    He dragged her over to the bed and ripped the nightgown down the front.God, you have the most flawless face, the most beautiful body I ever saw!” He pushed her down on the bed.
    At that moment, she longed for a man who would really love her, even if she weren’t pretty—a man who would take her in his arms and talk softly, kiss her gently. A man who would protect her against the darkness and all the terror it brought. A man who would love her without insisting on making her take his hard manhood inside her. She was always so dry and rigid with fear because the act hurt so much.
    Bart knew she didn’t like being touched, so he ran his hands over her roughly every chance he got. And then he would spread her out, hold on to her breasts, and use her until he was sated.
    She lived in a satin and jeweled hell.
    Al had seemed sympathetic to her when he’d found her weeping one day.Silver, I’m warning you, you can’t keep this up. Bart Brett is a proud man and you could do worse. At least pretend to care about him. Pretend some passion.”
    She looked up at him through her tears.I’m not a very good liar.”
    How are you as a whore?” he said.When Bart finally loses interest in you, you’ll be servicing a couple of dozen men a night, not just Brett. Think about that.”
    You seem like such a nice guy to be working for him,” she said.
    Al colored.Brett’s the nearest thing I got to a friend and he pays me well.”
    But Bart Brett didn’t lose interest in Silver. Maybe it was the challenge of having a woman who didn’t want him when every girl in the house hinted they would gladly take Silver’s place. Months passed. Brett continued to make use of her body whenever he felt the need. After a while, she didn’t fight him anymore. She didn’t respond at all.
    Damn it, Silver!” he would shout.Fight me, love me back, just react in some way! I feel like I’m making love to a beautiful dead woman!”
    I am dead in spirit,” she said, and responded even less because her soul felt so crushed and because it was the only way she knew to fight back. Silver couldn’t escape and she had too much pride to let him conquer her. Her revenge was engendering the rage he felt at not being able to reach her soul or make her respond to him.
    Brett took her driving in his fine carriage, even dressed her up and escorted her to the theater. Men commented on her beauty and Brett displayed her like some lovely rare pet. He was at his zenith during these times, preening like a peacock while other men lusted after the beauty he owned.
    Early on, Silver thought about running away on these outings or simply screaming for help. But she had a feeling no one would help her. Bart Brett was a powerful man with much influence and she couldn’t escape the silken prison he had made for her. She felt like a pet in a golden cage or a slave girl in a harem. The rest of the time, she never left Brett’s rooms at the big

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