Queen in Waiting: (Georgian Series)

Queen in Waiting: (Georgian Series) by Jean Plaidy Page A

Book: Queen in Waiting: (Georgian Series) by Jean Plaidy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean Plaidy
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Protestant would have of becoming Queen of Spain? You will have to change quickly and forget you were ever a Protestant.’
    ‘But one cannot change one’s religion… overnight.’
    ‘You are a sensible young woman and you’ll understand I’m sure that in cases like this there is no time for quibbling over doctrines. You may go now and think about it, and I expect to hear before I leave for my meeting with the Elector Palatine that you are a good Catholic.’
    Caroline went to her own apartments to think.
    If I refused to be a Catholic there would be no marriage. The thought kept hammering in her brain. It’s a way out… a way out.
    She sat in Sophia Charlotte’s apartments and they talked of this alarming blow to their peace.
    ‘What must I do?’ asked Caroline.
    ‘My darling,’ answered Sophia Charlotte, ‘you yourself must decide.’
    ‘If I follow my own wishes I would never, never leave you,’ cried Caroline passionately.
    ‘Between every mother and child of our rank this choice has to be made. I loved my own mother dearly. We were to each other almost as you and I are. But I had to leave her. The wrench was fearful… to leave everything that is home and go to a strange land. It is the fate of all princesses unless they don’t marry and I do not think that often brings happiness.’
    ‘I would be happy to stay with you for ever.’
    ‘It may be that I should not always be here.’
    ‘Don’t talk like that. I can’t bear it.’
    ‘My dearest, it is wrong of me. I shall always be here when you want me.’
    ‘You left Hanover for Berlin. It is not so very far. But I should leave Berlin for Spain.’
    ‘You would have children and when you hold your first baby in your arms you would regret nothing. It is nature’s way of solace.’
    ‘You seek to comfort me, but I shall not leave you.’ She laughed suddenly. ‘He won’t have me unless I become a Catholic. What do you say to that? Should I become a Catholic?’
    ‘I should never presume to advise you on such a matter.’
    ‘I knew it.’
    ‘This decision shall be entirely in your hands.’
    How rare for a princess sought in marriage to have the chance of making her own decision! Who else in the world, but Sophia Charlotte, would have made this possible? But to force anyone to marriage would be against all those principles which had been discussed so freely in the gardens of Lützenburg.
    Caroline was torn with doubts and fears. She wanted to stay with Sophia Charlotte; she didn’t want life to change. That was clear enough. And yet did she want to remain unmarried all her life? She had discovered that she was ambitious, and to be the Queen of Spain would have been a glittering future for any princess.
    Glittering prospects in exchange for the love and companionship of Sophia Charlotte. It was a bitter choice.
    There was one fact to which she clung. She must become a Catholic. Thank God she did not have to give an immediate answer. And while she battled with her emotions she could talk of the difficulties of changing her religion.
    The King of Prussia was impatient.
    ‘You must be mad,’ he said, ‘if you don’t accept this offer. I can tell you, princes and ministers have been known to change their minds. While you prevaricate they may be looking elsewhere. The best thing you can do is say you are eager to change your religion and are ready to receive immediate instruction.’
    ‘But I am not ready and I am as yet undecided.’
    ‘Do you expect me to tell the Elector Palatine that?’
    ‘You must tell him the truth, I suppose.’
    ‘You set a high value on yourself.’
    ‘I have been taught to be truthful and I cannot change my ideas of religion for the sake of a possible crown.’
    ‘It is all this talk you have listened to.’
    But he dared not force her to accept. Sophia Charlotte would never forgive him if he did.
    So he met the Elector Palatine and told him that Caroline needed time to come to a decision about her religion and

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