Queen (Brotherhood of the Throne)

Queen (Brotherhood of the Throne) by Jane Glatt Page B

Book: Queen (Brotherhood of the Throne) by Jane Glatt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Glatt
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intensified and Brenna stumbled.  
    Kane paused while she
found her feet, then signaled to Dasid to open front door. Then she was outside
walking towards the dais that had been built just for today.
    She’d wanted the whole
ceremony to take place outside, where people could see, but now the size of the
crowd made her regret that decision. Kane held her arm tight as they passed
between the rows of Brothers, solemn in their new gray uniforms. Beyond the
Brothers, people in the crowd strained for a glimpse of her as she walked by.
    And then they were there.
She didn’t remember climbing the steps but she must have, for she was above the
crowd now, with Kane on one side and Ewart on the other. Both men stepped away
and she stood there by herself, the wind playing with the hem of her dress.
Brenna held her breath as the noise of the crowd slowly subsided until the only
sounds were pigeons cooing from the roofs of the houses and the occasional high
pitched voice of a child.
    Duke Ewart stepped
forward, the green of his dress uniform vivid in the afternoon sun.
    “I, Ewart Wortley, Duke of
Fallad, on behalf of the people of Fallad, declare allegiance to Brenna Trewen,
my cousin.” Duke Ewart then took a scroll from inside his vest and unrolled it.
“I, Avery Kerrich, Duchess of Aruntun, on behalf of the people of Aruntun,
pledge allegiance to Brenna Trewen, beloved granddaughter of my sister.” Ewart
stepped back and Kane came forward.
    “I, Kane Rowse, council
member of Brotherhood of the Throne, on behalf of the Brotherhood, declare
allegiance to Brenna Trewen, the Caller.”
    At Kane’s words the
Brothers in the crowd gave three sharp cheers. Brenna caught Kane’s eye as he
stepped back. She was about to step forward herself when she noticed a
disturbance in the crowd.
    The crowd rippled and
parted. Mother Lyran walked slowly towards the dais, helped through the crowd
by one of the healers. When the old woman reached the platform she fixed Brenna
with her sightless eyes for a moment before turning towards the crowd.
    “I, Mother Lyran, pledge
to Brenna Trewen. The old gods have answered our prayers and have sent a true
daughter of Aruntun - the True One who has long been awaited.”
    Mother Lyran moved towards
the side of the dais and Neemah hurried forward to help the old woman climb the
steps. When she stood beside Brenna she could feel the power emanating from
her. Brenna stepped forward and raised her chin.
    “I, Brenna Trewen, pledge
to aid Soule and all her people - to put their health and well being ahead of
my own and to treat them with fairness and compassion.” She turned as Neemah
brought the coronet to her. The coronet sang as it was brought out into the
open. Mother Lyran took the coronet and held it aloft.
    “Wolde’s coronet,” the old
woman’s voice rang out across the square. “Last worn before the church of the
One-God was welcomed into Soule. It has returned to help restore balance.”
Mother Lyran took two small steps and placed the coronet on Brenna’s head.
    The coronet sang to her. Eyes
closed, she let the music sweep over her for a few moments. When she opened her
eyes she had to squint against the brightness. The coronet shone, bathing the
crowd in its clear, bright light. Faces in the crowd looked on in   wonder and
Brenna realized that they could hear the music as well. She glanced around and
met Mother Lyran’s wide smile before her gaze settled on Kane’s face. He nodded
and smiled and she relaxed, just a little.
    Brenna struggled to dim
the light the coronet radiated. The song faded and eventually the coronet fell
silent, but it continued to glow faintly. She bowed to the crowd, who sent up a
cheer. Kane and Ewart stepped forward to flank her as she stood, coronet on her
head, her gray dress floating around her, while the sun set and dusk crept
across the square. Eventually the somber crowd dispersed, leaving Brenna’s
Guard  ringing the dais.
    Eventually Kane took her
arm and

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