Pure Iron

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Book: Pure Iron by Holly Bargo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Bargo
“Yeah, this is Sonia. Sonia, this is Davis, Iron Falcon’s drummer extraordinaire.”
    She held out her hand politely and said, “It’s nice to meet you.”
    His enormous hand engulfed hers and he shook it gently. He looked at his best friend and commented, “She’s not your usual style.”
    “No, she’s infinitely better,” Mick replied.
    “Well, come on, let’s get the introductions over with,” Davis said and led them to the table.
    Sonia looked them over. The burly Viking with pale blonde hair, ice blue eyes, and even more tattoos than Mick was Kristof. The handsome, swarthy man with dark curly hair and the shortest of the group was Angelo. Jack had brown hair, a little lighter than Mick’s, and looked like a long distance runner. She thought none of them as handsome as Mick. She politely shook hands with each of them and accepted the offer of a drink. Testosterone surrounded her like fog.
    “She’s different than the girls you usually end up fucking,” Kristof said bluntly.
    Sonia’s cheeks flamed.
    “Watch the language, Kris,” Angelo warned. “Can’t you see Sonia’s a lady, not a groupie good for only one thing?”
    The Viking shrugged and said, “That’s what I meant. This one has manners, doesn’t dress like a slut.” His icy gaze flickered over her. She wanted to cringe. He looked at Mick, who returned his gaze with a steady one of his own. “I wouldn’t mind sharing her.”
    Cold fury surged through Mick at the suggestion. Sonia’s horrified gasp was swallowed by the sudden silence around the table.
    “No,” Mick said. “Touch her and I’ll kill you.”
    “Hey, man, it’s not like you and the Iceman haven’t shared girls before,” Angelo intervened with forced amiability. “But I’m sure he’ll understand that a wife is off limits.”
    Kristof merely shrugged. Davis dope-slapped him on the back of the head.
    “Don’t cause a rift over some pussy,” Jack said, sotto voce.
    Mick’s fist landed hard on the tabletop. He leaned forward and said, “Sonia’s my wife and you’ll treat her with respect.”
    Sonia was still getting over the revelation that her husband and the blonde pervert had shared women. He had a strong sexual appetite. Was that what he wanted, a ménage a trois ? With the way the hand at her hip was flexing, she thought that it wouldn’t take much for him to throw her skirt up over her head, bend her over, and claim her in front of his band just to ensure they knew she belonged to him. She hoped he wouldn’t do that.
    Davis raised his hands, palms held out, and said, “Hey, man, we get it. It’s just unusual, you know?”
    “Since when is getting married unusual?”
    “Since it’s you who got married,” Angelo said candidly. “You’re almost as much of a whore as Jack there.”
    Jack just grinned, green eyes twinkling. He had two interests: music and fucking. It was toss-up as to which he liked more and was better skilled at performing. Unfortunately, only the one offered a legal way to make a living in forty-nine states.
    “Mick,” Sonia said softly. He did not hear her. She tugged on his sleeve and said his name again. He gave her his attention.
    “What is it, babe?”
    “This isn’t going well. Why don’t I collect our baggage and head to the airport? You can meet me there.”
    “Mick, I don’t want to come between you and your band. They’re your family.”
    “I think it’s best that I give you all a little space right now, Mick.”
    Sonia could see the indecision in Mick’s eyes. He wanted her beside him, yet he also wanted his band’s support. She glanced at the men seated around the table, their corner of the restaurant practically oozing testosterone. She looked around the table. Kristof’s inscrutable expression could best be described as stony or cold. He did not seem hostile, but neither did she see any welcome. Jack’s gaze showed lascivious interest, his focus continually dropping to her chest.

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