Pull (Deep Darkness Book 1)

Pull (Deep Darkness Book 1) by Stephen Landry Page A

Book: Pull (Deep Darkness Book 1) by Stephen Landry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Landry
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slay the beast.
The Aelita positioned itself above the levaithan. It used its massive
thrusters to keep itself afloat and level in the air as it bled the ground with
pressure. Built on the back of an Earth ship, Aelita was equipped with one of
several archaic weapons that were meant to be used in space. The gravity of
the planet only made the energy that Aelita poured down more lethal. If there
was anyone alive within ten miles of the leviathan they were dead now. It
kept screaming. The blast hammered the ground and tore at the thin
membrane that had made up its wings. They were the first piece to fade into
nothing. There were barely any structures standing. It looked like a monster
standing on a black platform. Ash filled the air. We were lucky none of the
energy-based weapons Aelita used had risks of being radioactive. We could
feel the heat even on the ground. The drop ship moved back and forth with
the blast as the ground swayed.
“Are they planning to destroy the planet?” asked Aira.
“This is the end of the world isn’t it,” I asked, my hands hugging the
handlebars placed inside the drop ship, they were initially meant to be used
with turbulence and rough landings. We weren’t even in the air and yet we
could feel the world around us ripping apart.Then there was a cloud of smoke
and darkness. Much like the ground beneath us, the leviathan had had
enough, turned itself to dust only to drift away. It was like it just gave up. The
dust came at us like a hurricane. The drop ship twisted and turned with us
inside. I had forgotten how much pain I was in the day before. The shaking
reminded me that I had broken ribs. I could feel a stabbing sensation hit me
right below my chest. Aira grabbed me as we held each other close. We kept
sliding across the drop ship floor. Hayden hit his head on a suspension bar
and was knocked unconscious but we could still see him breathing. It would
have been horrible to lose each other after everything. We could still see the
Aelita shooting wave after wave into the leviathan’s husk. The leviathan was
bleeding now. The blood was blue just like it had been before when it first
appeared. This proved to us it was a real animal after all. It wasn’t a god! it
wasn’t an immortal! It was flesh and blood and it would die, a slow death
thousands of years overdue!
In the end it only took a few hours for the leviathan to die.
‘The hammer of god’ - that was what name of the technique used to kill
the leviathan would become known as. A day of running helpless through the
city and it took the Aelita only a few hours to stop it. If only the Tritan could
have been so lucky. How many humans died on board? How much of this
could have been prevented? We stayed in our drop ship the rest of the night.
Not sure whether it would work or not we switched on the emergency beacon
and watched the rain pelt our window before falling asleep.
It hardly ever rained on Errikus but now it was raining blue.
That night I dream of a new Errikus built over the bones of the
leviathan. I imagined Eek telling their children about the warriors who slayed
a monster so massive it couldn’t have come from this universe. I imagined
generations passing and the survivors of this battle – if there were any others
left building monuments to the fallen. I dreamt of the simulations that would
be created, the games that would be played and the songs that would be sung.
    In the sky the beast came,
Breaking wind and rain,
In the sky the humans fell,
And so the beast was slain.
    The next day a group of Autons ripped open the hull of the drop ship.
The Auttons were machines, though some would call them android. They
didn’t resemble humans though. They were bipedal but their bodies were
metallic and came in different shapes and sizes with exaggerated limbs and
little, if not no heads. They were a work force created as tools. They had no
artificial intelligence, only programs and

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