letter they’d received a few weeks back, but written on purple paper instead of yellow. The letter she’d thrown away, thinking it too sick to warrant much attention.
    â€œDon’t worry about it.”Andrea said when Amanda confessed what she’d done. “You weren’t to know. But we’ll get the fan club to keep an eye out for them and if we do get any more, we’ll hand them over to the police and let the boys in blue handle it, okay?”
    A couple of days later, Isobel again rode out to deliver her latest missive. It wasn’t a bad day, weather wise, and she was feeling pretty good. Scrumpy, her cat, had finally stopped trying to return to the old flat whenever she let him out, and she’d received a free sample of a new chocolate bar through the post, which was enough to brighten anyone’s morning.
    Her good mood vanished, however, the moment she rounded the bend.
    Parked in front of Carrie’s property was a security van and half way up a ladder an engineer was fixing a CCTV camera aimed directly at Carrie’s letter box.
    Swearing, Isobel stuffed the green envelope quickly out of sight and peddling up to his ladder, she swallowed her anger and hailed him from the ground. “‘Scuse me.”She said. “Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering whether you have the right time? My watch has stopped.”
    The engineer nodded and pulling back his sleeve, didn’t see Isobel hastily pluck the letter from her pocket and slip it through the brass flap, confident that she wouldn’t be caught. The camera, designed to protect, had been as oblivious to her movements as the engineer, the tangle of exposed wires testifing to that, and as she peddled off, she felt sure that if anyone asked the engineer wouldn’t remember what she’d looked like or what she’d been wearing. Hundreds of people went cycling in tracksuits every day.
    Andrea read the letter in the kitchen, whilst Amanda, shocked to find that despite the newly installed close circuit TV, another livid letter had still managed to find its way into their private mail, busied herself making strong coffee.
    â€˜ Still having trouble?’ It read. ‘ Perhaps I should pay a visit to remind you.’
    Andrea shoved it back inside the envelope.
    â€œClearly a person of few words.”She mused, drumming her fingers on the table. “But I can’t say I’m overly keen on the ones they do choose.”
    Amanda pushed a mug of steaming coffee towards her.
    â€œYou don’t suppose they could get inside the house, do you?”She asked nervously. “I don’t really think they could, but you never know…”
    â€œNo! No way!”Andrea said emphatically. “This place has more security systems than Buck house. In fact I’m surprised the letter box wasn’t monitored already, but until I can think of another way to have Carrie’s personal mail delivered, I suggest we have it sealed up. And please don’t worry, Amanda, we are safe here. If I’m honest I’m more concerned about this Christmas party Carrie is thinking about having. Has she said anything to you about it?”
    â€œAs far as I know it’s definitely happening. I heard Carrie discussing the guest list with Carmichael the other day together with valet parking.”
    â€œOh, that’s just what we need. A load of strangers wandering around! Talk about the perfect opportunity for our local nut to try and sneek in. When’s Carmichael due here next?”
    Amanda glanced at the clock on the wall. “About an hour? Or sooner if he’s managed to smell the coffee pot from wherever he is.”
    â€œIn that case, would you mind giving me a shout when he gets here? I think there’s one or two things we should have a chat about.”
    The fire lit in the lounge, Carrie and Andrea sat before it waiting for Carmichael to finish reading the two letters they had in

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