Protecting His Princess

Protecting His Princess by C. J. Miller Page A

Book: Protecting His Princess by C. J. Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. J. Miller
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Contemporary
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reassured herself no one had seen her in the library with Harris, and no one was paying attention to them now. If anyone asked what she was doing with Harris, she’d been showing him around the compound to see the artwork and telling him about some of the historical artifacts that decorated the area.
    Their next location was Mikhail’s living quarters. Mikhail had remodeled the compound after her father had died, closing off part of their family home for his private use. Located on the east side of the house, access from the main part of the compound was barred by a set of double doors. Entrance required authorized access via a fingerprint scanner and password.
    Though Mikhail had changed the rooms, she knew another way inside. “We should take a walk outside. I can show you the gardens.”
    “Sounds like fun,” Harris said. He was letting her take the lead. She knew what she was doing. Growing up as the emir’s daughter had its advantages.
    They walked in silence to the northeast gardens. They weren’t alone. Guests and family members were enjoying the landscaped grounds. Tables were set in the shade, with carafes of coffee and pitchers of water on the tables.
    “Security has to be getting more challenging with so many people,” Harris said under his breath to Laila.
    “After the front gate checkpoint and dropping bugs in some guests’ rooms, I think Mikhail is hoping for the best.” Not that Laila believed her brother had gotten sloppy or that his people weren’t well trained, but with the influx of people, the security team would be forced to adopt a different set of rules and procedures.
    “Let’s hope that our things stay in place.” Their things being the devices. If security swept the area, they’d find and remove them. Then the hunt for whoever had placed them would begin.
    Harris had assured her the design wasn’t traceable to any company or to them.
    “Mikhail is spending the day with our mother and his bride’s family. He shouldn’t be in his private quarters.”
    “Excellent,” Harris said.
    Mikhail’s private living area overlooked the gardens and the garages that housed his car collection. Tucked in the corner, beneath the emir’s private balcony, was the service entrance. Laila and Harris wandered through the gardens.
    Laila stopped and pointed to a plant, hoping anyone watching would think she was telling Harris about the local vegetation. “The housekeeping staff arrives at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., so it’s unlikely we’ll run into anyone. The door may be unlocked. If not, can you get it open?”
    Harris’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “I take great pride in telling you that I can.”
    His boyish charm made another appearance. That quality was alluring, and she wouldn’t have expected it from someone in his line of work.
    “How do you learn something like that? Did you take a class?” she asked.
    “I’ve had some training. Some of it from my family. You’d be surprised how much you can learn from brothers who are mischievous.”
    Another mention of his family. He had told her that he was involved with his job to the point that his personal relationships suffered, but it sounded as if he kept his family ties tight. “You never have time for girlfriends, but you make time for family. Isn’t it a matter of priority, then?” The words flew from her mouth before she could censor them.
    Surprise showed on his face for an instant. “I’m not sure whether to be insulted or not. But you’re right. It is about priorities.”
    Laila adjusted her head scarf over her hair, needing something to do with her hands. “But nothing comes before your job.”
    “Are you asking me or telling me? I love the work I do.”
    He’d mentioned that before. Laila looked around to be sure they were alone. “Even when it involves dangerous situations and difficult people?”
    “The danger keeps things interesting and the people are the best part. Especially when I work with people who are

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