Probed: The Encounter
    “You’re a beautiful female, Amy,” he said, and goddamn if it didn’t sound like he actually meant it. But “female”? This dude was not from around here, that was certain. She wrapped her arms around him as well.
    He was tall — 6’3” or 6’4”, she’d guess, and his body felt like a slab of marble. She could feel the warmth between her legs returning, and he evidently was equally excited. Amy could feel his cock growing hard against her belly.
    Not yet , Amy thought as she wriggled free. This was all happening so fast. She needed a minute. She walked to her kitchen.
    “Can I get you a drink?” she asked, opening her liquor cabinet and seeing only a bottle of Peach Schnapps. Crap. Turning back toward Z, her eyes were drawn to the prominent bulge in his pants. He was indeed hard — very hard, and he didn’t seem to be embarrassed about it in the least.
    “No thank you,” Z said as Amy’s face flushed crimson. She turned away, her throat suddenly dry. She grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with tap water, taking a drink.
    Z’s hand on her shoulder surprised her. She shuddered involuntarily as it slid down to the small of her back. It was so warm, so gentle. How could a man chiseled from granite have that soft a touch?
    Z brushed aside Amy’s soft blonde hair and she felt his breath on her neck. Then his lips, kissing her tenderly. She stared straight ahead, looking at their reflection in the window over her kitchen sink. She felt goosebumps rise as Z left a trail of soft kisses across to her shoulder, then back toward her neck.
    His hands on her shoulders, his lips grazing her left ear, he whispered, “Take me to your bed.”
    Turning to face him, Amy saw the handsomest man she’d ever seen, much less been this close to. He was movie-star gorgeous. His rich brown hair framed a perfectly proportioned face. It was as if someone had sketched the man of her dreams. Those silvery eyes, a beautiful nose and strong jaw, and those full lips. Why hadn’t he kissed her yet?
    Right on cue, Z’s hands caressed her face as he leaned in to kiss her. And what a kiss! As his tongue gently nuzzled her own, Amy was overwhelmed by an indescribable taste. Cool, yet spicy. Somehow even… electric. It made no sense; nobody tastes like this. Amy felt herself becoming dizzy with lust, but quickly realized that no, she was actually dizzy. As Z stopped kissing her, the room spun. Amy’s knees began to buckle and she felt as if she would pass out. Her hand reached for the counter, but Z caught her in time, lifting her in his arms like she weighed nothing, one arm behind her back and one under her knees.
    “Where’s your bed, Amy?”
    She sighed, catching her breath. “Put me down and I’ll take you.”
    He whispered, “We both know you don’t really want me to put you down.”
    Amy knew he was right. She could stay in these arms forever. “That way,” she offered, pointing.

Chapter 3
    Z gently set Amy on the side of the bed and exited the room. The bedroom was pretty clean, thank God. The bed was made, with Amy’s quaint floral print comforter with embroidered eyelet trim neatly in place and a half dozen pillows of varying sizes cascading down from the headboard. Even the usually messy dresser was relatively clean, except for the dying first-date flowers from last month’s date, an accountant she’d never heard from again. Darwin was nowhere to be seen, though — very odd behavior for him.
    Z returned and handed Amy her glass of water. She thanked him and took a sip. She wasn’t as dizzy anymore. His carrying her had somehow reassured her that she had nothing to fear. He was too gentle and too considerate to be a creep, despite the looks he gave her that felt like they went straight to her crotch.
    “Better now?” Z asked. Amy smiled and nodded. He turned to place the glass of water on the dresser. Of course his butt is perfect , Amy thought as she watched him. She took a deep breath. She

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