Prisoned: A Dark Twisted Erotic Standalone

Prisoned: A Dark Twisted Erotic Standalone by Marni Mann Page A

Book: Prisoned: A Dark Twisted Erotic Standalone by Marni Mann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marni Mann
Tags: Erótica
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strands of wet hair clung to my cheeks and to the spit on my lips. I hadn’t licked them, so why were they still wet? Why hadn’t my skin dried? Why was my hair soaked?
    Whoever had taken me from our cell had drugged me. I couldn’t remember a thing past going to sleep there. And, now, I was waking up here. I felt so out of it, so out of control. I wasn’t sure what were thoughts and what was actually happening. But I knew only that I was in a chair, and my hands and feet were tied.
    And there was pain.
    “Ahh-ahh-ahh!” I screamed. My heart pounded so hard that it made me stutter. “Wh-where are y-you?”
    I didn’t recognize the voice, but I had to find where it was coming from. I turned my head from side to side, slapping more of my wet hair onto my cheeks. The freezing strands made me shiver even more. I couldn’t see him. I couldn’t feel him.
    “I’m here .”
    His breath was hot. It scorched my ear.
    “W-who are y-you?”
    “That’s not the right question.”
    He had an accent—not as thick as Beard’s and a different tone. This guy’s was deeper. As far as I knew, Beard didn’t speak English.
    “Wh-what did y-you do to me?”
    “Still not the right question.”
    I couldn’t stop my chest from heaving, and I couldn’t draw in a breath. I expected to pass out at any second, the lack of oxygen causing my brain to shut down.
    “But I’ll answer it because I like you, Kyle.” He moved to the other side, to my other ear. His mouth smelled like rotten fish. “I ripped you away from the bed that Garin had you tucked into and slowly, very slowly, took off all your clothes.” His lips moved down to the base of my neck. “You were dirty. So very dirty. So, I dropped you in a bath. It was a special bath, you see, filled with special things. And I made sure the water was very cold. Ice cold.” His laugh was so sinister. “I liked watching the way your nipples hardened when they got wet. They wrinkled around the circles and pinched together in the middle.”
    Every time his tongue curled around an R, my stomach churned.
    “Nice, tight pink nipples, big enough to fit and tug between my front teeth. Most nipples are too big to fit between there. Not yours. You have small tits and one hell of a fucking ass.” He licked the length of my neck and stopped at my earlobe, flicking it with the tip of his tongue. “Mmm, that cunt of yours. Without a razor in your cell, I was surprised to see it was still bald.”
    He moved down to the top of my shoulder and chomped into my flesh. It was impossible to hold in my scream.
    “It was a good surprise though; don’t worry. I didn’t punish you for having a bald cunt. I admired it, and I took pictures of it…after I rubbed my cum all over it.”
    My body shook, as though I were being electrocuted. Tears ran into my mouth as they streamed from my eyes. He had violated my body. He had taken something that wasn’t his. He had…
    “You ra-raped me.”
    My tongue suddenly felt too large for my mouth, and I gagged. I turned my head and urged whatever was in my throat to come out. Saliva pooled around my teeth and on my tongue. I spit it on the ground. No food came up, no bile.
    I was empty. Again.
    How long had I been in here? Naked? With him doing whatever he wanted to my body? With whatever objects he deemed appropriate? And whatever secret bath sauce he had marinated me in?
    “I didn’t rape you.” Two long breaths and a lick on the inside of my ear. “You’re my prisoner; your cunt isn’t lucky enough to feel my dick.” He laughed again. This time, it sounded like it served as a confirmation. “I won’t fuck you until you give me what I want. Until then, I’m just going to use you as a landing pad for my cum. But, mmm, my cum looked so fucking sexy on your bald cunt.”
    I should have felt relief. I should have started breathing. But knowing he had seen my body naked, had touched it, had put me in the most vulnerable position hurt almost

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