Prime Selection

Prime Selection by Monette Michaels Page A

Book: Prime Selection by Monette Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monette Michaels
Tags: Romance
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    Aeron came back. “Good. Make your way back. Gold has sent teams to the surface from the Galanti and the Leonidas. They are taking the battle to the enemy. They should make short work of it.”
    Nadia chuckled. “Should be like shooting fish in a barrel.”
    The trussed up enemy glared. But when her team eyed her as if she were crazy, she laughed and explained, “An old Terran saying which means the battle would be easy.”
    “Very colorful,” Aeron said. “And true. Be alert. There could be isolated groups of the enemy on and in the mountains.”
    “We’ll be fine.” She looked at the three Prime standing over the downed enemy and then at Bram and A’tem. “I think the team-building aspect of the maneuvers has been very successful. I’m proud to serve with such brave and quick-thinking soldiers. We’ll see you soon.”
    After she signed off, Bram came to her side. “Commander, you neglected to tell Commander Ard you are among the wounded.”
    “No, I’m not.” She took a mental inventory and concluded she had no pain, thus she wasn’t wounded. “It must be the enemy’s blood.”
    “It’s your blood.” A’tem came to her other side. “A laser cut along your waist. Your uniform top is shredded and singed. Doesn’t it pain you? It looks very deep.”
    Nadia looked down. “Well, damn. I don’t feel it. Must be the adrenaline.” Or Huw’s extra-strength adrenaline coming over their connection. He was very close now—and raging mad.
    A’tem pulled a small med kit from his waist pack. “Let’s just make sure it continues to be painless, Nadia.”
    Before she could protest, A’tem injected a bolus of painkiller and then applied a smaller version of the healing cold laser to the deep laser tear at her waist. She shuddered as the icy numbness swept over her side.
    “That should hold until Dr. Morgan can look at it.” A’tem repacked his field medical kit and stowed it in the pack attached to his utility belt.
    “Thanks, A’tem.”
    “Nadia! You are hurt! I am coming.”
    “I’m fine. Pay attention to your surroundings. No need to come. See you at the cave.”
    Huw didn’t need to be distracted by her minor injuries while he was fighting off mercenaries, especially the Antarean ones. He could get himself or his men killed.
    Gritting her teeth, she cut off the pathway to Huw. Cutting the connection, with him so close and his battle rage so strong, felt as if a piece of her soul had been torn from her body. Every one of her instincts demanded that she stay in touch, lend him her strength, monitor his health.
    Also, with the mental connection now blocked from her side, the pain from her wound and her general exhaustion almost took her breath away. She barely managed to stay upright. Only the painkiller and ice laser treatment kept her from whimpering in pain. All she wanted was a warm meal, a good, stiff drink, and eight solid hours of sleep—but she knew she wouldn’t see that particular combination of luxuries anytime soon.
    Glancing at the concerned faces of her team, she shrugged. “I must’ve zigged instead of zagged. I’m fine.” She waved a hand toward the exit from the small cavern in which they’d battled. “Let’s get back to our people. Oh, and keep a look out for our missing team. They might’ve sheltered in this cave system.”
    The six entered the tunnel and used LED lights to illuminate their way. The Prime on point spoke up. His voice while low carried easily as it echoed off the stone walls of the narrow, roughly hewn tunnel. “Commander, the missing team came into the secured perimeter after you and your team left on your mission. They are all well. Just tired and dehydrated.”
    Thank God, they were safe. It had been a constant worry niggling at the back of her mind even as she’d dealt with all the other issues of keeping her people alive. No matter how successful she’d been—if she had lost those six, she would’ve failed.
    “Thank you,

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