Pride Unleashed (a Wolf's Pride novel, book 2)

Pride Unleashed (a Wolf's Pride novel, book 2) by Cat Kalen Page B

Book: Pride Unleashed (a Wolf's Pride novel, book 2) by Cat Kalen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Kalen
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heavy in my blood as he slides me a dangerous look . He has a strange calmness about him but underneath it I can smell his excitement. I t’s a scent that always worries me.
    He gives a slow, easy nod of his head and his voice is deceivingly mild when he announces in a tight tone , “ You’re right, Pride.”
    Not l iking the sound of that at all , I wait for him to continue but when the words don’t come I narrow my eyes and meet his challenging gaze with one of my own before I come right out and ask, “I’m right about what ? ”
    His eyes fasten on me , dark, dangerous and deceptive —a gleam shining in their evil depths .
    “T here can only be one alpha in the courtyard.”

Chapter Eight
    “There can only be one alpha in the courtyard.”
    As the master’s wo rds bounce around inside my head like a pinball , my brain takes a moment to decipher the meaning . I feel myself go pale and briefly close my eyes in distress as a violent wave of anger c ruises through m y bloodstream at breakneck speed until hot steam is all but rising off m y body .
    With my pulse jack hammering , my queasy stomach rebels in protest and I’m certain I’m going to vomit . Because I know at once he’s going to test me again.
    Before I can ask what he plans on doing , he twists on the balls of his shoes and makes his way toward the private entrance leading to his main level office.
    I stare at his retreating back , studying the casual way he moves . Without conscious thought, m y eyes go to the six guards overhead. With their attention diverted, occupied by the fight between Logan and Stone , I take a moment to calculate how long it would take me to reach the master . Could I rip his black heart clear from his body before the guards turn their deadly guns on me ?
    Even though I know it wouldn’t be a wise move on my part , it still doesn’t stop me from considering it , or from playing the scene out in my mind’s eye . But as I run the scenario th r ough my thoughts , I hear Stone inside my head, calling out to me.
    I turn in time to see him approach, and catch the careful way he’s looking past my shoulder to ensure the master is out of the courtyard , unable to watch or hear our exchange .
    My focus goes to Logan, who suddenly seems to be lacking his calm steadiness as Stone approaches me first . My ears twitch as Mario fits my mate with a collar . Once Logan is leashed, h e climbs into his jeans , pulls on a t-shirt a nd makes his way toward me , each step determined, purposeful .
    “ Pride ,” Stone says in an attempt to pull my attention back to him.
    I tilt my chin and blink against the glare of the sun as I stare up at him. “ What was that all about?” I demand.
    His eyes darken. “ You know what it’s about .”
    “ It wasn’t Logan’s idea to come back here. It was mine ,” I remind him.
    Logan steps up to me, and in a possessive move , he nudges up against me as if to lay claim to his mate, and when Stone’s nostrils flare I know I have to take charge of the situation before it gets out of control again .
    I inch away from the crowd until the brick wall is at my back . The two alphas follow close behind .
    As they flank me, I turn to Logan first and speak in whispered words . “ If we’re going to get out of here all three of us have to work together. ”
    He gestures with his chin. “Tell that to him. He’s the one who attacked.”
    I know he’s right and I also know I’m not about to lay blame or begin a debate on who started the fight. We have more pressing matters. Instead, I lower my voice even more and ask, “Do you have any idea what happen ed to your pack ? ”
    His mouth turns down in a frown and he drives his hands into his pockets as he gives a slow shake of his head. The concern on his face makes what I have to say next so much harder. With no easy way to tell him, I try to soften my words as much as possible before I announce , “He has Gem.”
    Darkness mingles with worry and I can

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