Precious Bones
wed by June.  He was very upset because he felt he can’t take on a wife while he has two unmarried sisters.  I didn’t really mean what I said.  I would have waited for him forever, but he took it to heart and came to our house directly after work.  He spoke to my father and got his consent for us to marry.  We were so happy that we decided to go see Father Francis at the Hortons to ask him to perform the ceremony. 
    We got there safely , and Tom was just talking to Father Francis when there was loud banging on the door, and all these men came pouring into the house.  They treated Mrs. Horton very roughly indeed and pushed her out of the way while they seized the priest, Mr. Horton and Tom, and beat them cruelly.  The man in charge ordered them taken away, and they dragged them out of the door and into waiting carriages.  I have no idea where they took them, Connie, but I thought that you were our only hope.   You can go see Mr. Carlisle and he will set everything to rights, won’t he?”
    Jane looked so desperate that Constance didn’t have the heart to tell her Richard could probably do very little, especially for Father Francis.  Tom, on the other hand was a completely different matter.   “Jane, who was the man in charge?”
    “Edward Norris, ” Jane whispered and started crying.
    Constance told Jane to go home , then threw on her cloak, covering her face.  She ran all the way to Cheapside, stumbling several times and nearly getting run over by a passing wagon.  She had never been to Richard’s house, but she knew where he lived and prayed he would be at home when she got there.  She was out of breath by the time she found the house and lifted the brass knocker, banging on the door.  A plump servant opened the door, ushering her inside. 
    “He is in the study, Mistress ,”  the woman said, pointing the way.
    Constance knocked and pushed open the door.  Richard was sitting in front of a large desk covered with books and papers , showing something on the globe to a young boy of about five.  They were so absorbed in what they were looking at, that he didn’t notice her standing there at first, then jumped up from his chair nearly knocking over the boy and the globe.  “Run along, William, I must speak with Mistress Thorne.”
    As the boy ran past her, she noticed that he had light hair and blue eyes , just like Richard.  Did Richard have a son?  He mentioned that he had been married a long time ago, but he never mentioned any children.  She mentally berated herself for getting distracted, and closed the door to the study facing Richard over the desk. 
    “Richard, Tom has been arrested.  He went with Jane to Mr. Horton’s house to see the priest about their wedding ceremony.  According to Jane, several men arrived while they were closeted together, beat them, and dragged them from the house.  She said the man in charge was Edward Norris.  Oh, Richard, you have to help Tom.  He hasn’t done anything wrong.  He just wanted to finally get married.  What will happen to him?”  Connie knew she sounded hysterical, but the thought of losing her brother was more than she could bear. 
    Richard listened to her calmly, stroking his goatee as he assessed the situation.
    “Constance, I very much doubt that I can do anything for the Jesuit or Mr. Horton.  He was found to be hiding a priest in his household, which is against the law.  Norris was within his rights.  Your brother, on the other hand, was just visiting the house and happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.  I will find out where they are holding him and try to at least get him a fair trial if I can’t get him released.”  As Richard stopped talking, he realized he was only wearing a shirt and breeches in the presence of a lady, and asked Constance to wait while he went to dress. 
    “I will take you home.  Please stay inside and don’t go anywhere , and for God’s sake don’t open the door to anyone. 

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