Pradorian Mate

Pradorian Mate by C. Baely, Kristie Dawn Page B

Book: Pradorian Mate by C. Baely, Kristie Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. Baely, Kristie Dawn
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even done something with the cave door, so she could come and go freely when he wasn’t there. The way he thought of doing so much for her confused Sara more. What sort of person was he? His actions, when considering his cruelty, simply made no sense.
    Archail now stood just a few feet ahead of Sara, watching her approach and observing her silently as he had so often done these past three days. The time had come for her to give him an answer, and she knew that was why he was there.
    Sara’s stomach tightened in response to his powerful presence. She had mixed feelings. Fear, insecurity, and doubt followed strength and courage, but she still couldn’t comprehend her illogical attraction to this imposing male. Sara came near enough to hear him speak, but she kept a little distance so the feelings she had for him wouldn’t get in the way, or at least that’s what she hoped.
    “ Have you reached a decision, little one?” He sounded distant and indifferent.
    “ Yes.”
    Archail stepped closer while watching her every move. Keeping his voice low and cold, he asked, “Good, does this mean you agree to my proposal?”
    “Yes.” Her throat dried up.
    “ Very well, then. We will leave at first light tomorrow.” He turned his back to her and left her standing there alone. A cool breeze blew through her hair, matching the icy feeling that gripped her stomach as she thought of what was to come.
    * * *
    The vast forest spread before them as they followed the clear path through the tall trees. They had already stopped twice to eat and drink before continuing their journey. Archail spoke to her only when he needed her to hurry up or to offer her a drink. Ever since they had set out that morning, he had been mostly silent and introspective, as had Sara. She had plenty to keep her mind occupied.
    As they progressed deeper into the forest, the plant life seemed to glow and change color under the sunlight. The plants moved as if dancing under the soft breeze. Rich colors—red, yellow, blue, orange, and even white—stretched out harmoniously before her. She was particularly intrigued by an orange, umbrella-shaped plant. She stretched forth her hand to touch one and was surprised when the plant slowly folded away from her until it closed tightly into a tiny white bud.
    Sara felt a sense of excitement building within her, like a small child discovering the world for the first time, as she moved through this new land and carefully observed everything. She had fallen behind many times in the last few hours as things fascinated her, such as a strange bug flying nearby that, unless she had counted wrong, had twelve legs.
    A loud “buwa!” sounded overhead, making her duck for cover as a rather large creature flew past them in a blur. All she could make out before it disappeared was a glint of silver and some featherless wings that looked more like fins than the wings of a bird or bat.
    Farther away, among the tall trees, a majestic creature that reminded her of a deer stood stock-still. It seemed to watch Sara with just as much curiosity as Sara watched it. It had long, golden horns on its small, elongated head. Its body was tall and colored an amazing combination of yellow and red, and its long legs looked like they ended with metallic-looking clawed feet.
    Sara’s quiet observation was interrupted when the ground beneath her began to sink. It took her a few seconds before realizing that a large root beneath her was slowly working its way underground. Tiptoeing off it, she moved to more stable ground. Seconds later, some sort of humming insect landed on the side of her face. Alarmed, Sara shouted and tried to brush it off  before a long, sticky appendage from one of the plants shot out and caught the insect, drawing the offending creature into its depths.
    It was hard to shake off the experience, and Sara soon found herself staying much closer to Archail. Although this planet had its share of dangers, she was astounded by the flora

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