Possessed by a Stranger
Hannah made her his playmate of
choice or necessity. He was a one woman at a time man and she was
stuck in his mind. Until he received his fill of her, he couldn’t
move on to his next conquest.
    A month or two with any one woman was his
estimated time limit based on previous experiences. That was enough
time for him to get bored or them to get greedy. Greed usually
superseded his boredom since they had to prove their worth in bed
before advancing to anything longer than a one-night stand. Hannah,
on the other end of the spectrum, had superseded his requirements
in bed. She hadn’t answered his messages on her web site, which
didn’t deter him. If she wanted to play hard to get, so what, let
her try. He had felt her passion erupt when he kissed her. She was
his for the taking.
    Garret opened the email. Damn it to hell, the
paintings he was promised weren’t obtainable. If they were out of
circulation, why had the art dealer promised to locate them? He
grabbed his phone to demand an explanation when he noticed another
    Abernathy paintings as a heading caught his
attention. Very few people knew the identity of the artist. He
opened the email. He presumed the blank email was a hoax or
oversight until he noticed the attachment. He opened the
attachment, which took a few seconds to download.
    The picture on his computer screen amazed and
aroused him. Hannah had all four paintings and she had the audacity
to taunt him with her accomplishment. Finding all four paintings
completed his obligations that had crushingly weighted his
shoulders. Now all he had to do was get them from her.
    “Well I’ll be damned. There’s more to you,
than I ever thought possible.” Garret chuckled. He typed a reply of
see you soon. The email stuck in cyber space with an explanation of
an invalid email address. Hanna Greer might hide in cyber space but
he knew where she lived. His play date with sexy lady
fast-forwarded to now. The first thing he would do when he arrived
was check her for balls. Apparently, she grew a pair of brass ones
since he last entered that tight wet dream maker. He assumed the
shadow figure was an invitation, which he accepted. Oh yes, he
would gladly kiss that ass and more until she screamed over and
over. Damn, he wanted that woman in the worse way.
    He signed off the email, grabbing his jacket
off the back of his chair. A push of the number one key on his
cell, alerted Jeff he was leaving. He stopped at the door to his
office to adjust himself from the uncomfortable beginnings of an
erection. Hannah’s bold move to antagonize him had potently aroused
him. The long night he had planned, just got longer.
    Garret climbed in the front seat. In closer
quarters, Jeff’s reactions would be easier assessed. He wanted
information from his driver, his only source since Ted failed so
miserably. Where Hannah was concerned, he wasn’t convinced Jeff
would be honest. “The apartments in Old Town, where Hannah
    Jeff glanced tentatively toward his boss.
“I’m banging one of her friends, I met at the bar. No one has seen
Hannah in a couple months. Around the time you had that meeting
with her.” Jeff sounded sincere, although nervous from relaying bad
    “Really, what are her friends saying about
that?” It was actually good news. She hadn’t run back to a life of
comfortable with her ex.
    Garret hadn’t exploded so Jeff freely spilled
his guts. “They figure . . . no, actually they know she’s pissed
because everyone knew Jay was screwing around and no one told her.
They all got the hint after her speech. Jay is pissed at her
because she left the bar with you. But according to him, he would
take her back in a heartbeat. He is banging as many of her friends
as possible for consolation. Larry the love sick bartender is
heartbroken because she won’t return his calls or answer her
    “Sounds like a soap opera to me.” Garret
huffed disappointed in Jeff’s gossip. He wanted information on

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