Portraits of Celina

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Book: Portraits of Celina by Sue Whiting Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Whiting
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simply, we were in love
    We loved each other all summer long and then into the autumn. Robbie met me on the school bus each morning, and we rode it to school sitting side by side, tingling at being so close. Some days he had a wildflower for me
    Robbie consumed me. Totally. I opened my heart to him and he filled it to bursting, and gave his own heart to me in return. And I knew how lucky we were to have found each other so young. Some people wait their whole lives and never experience what we had
    He is so great, Bayley. Wait until you meet him. You’ll love him to bits. He is the best ever

    “Hurry up, Amelia,” Mum calls from the bottom of the stairs. “I don’t know how long it’s going to take to get there and I don’t want to be late.” Mum thumps off to the kitchen.
    I scrutinise myself in the hall mirror: smooth back an errant curl and adjust my scarf. Ridiculously, it has taken me all afternoon to decide what to wear. Everything I tried on made me look pathetic. It wasn’t until I slipped on a spotty red dress from the peace chest that I felt satisfied. The skirt is made from a floaty material that flares out from the waist in a way that makes you want to twirl. I finished it off with a chunky silver medallion.
    Gran comes up behind me, looks over my shoulder into the mirror. “That suits you,” she says, appraising me. “Are they Celina’s clothes?”
    I nod, wondering how Gran is going to react. “Do you mind?” Our reflected eyes meet.
    “Mind? No, not really. I guess it’s good that they are being put to use.” Gran runs the back of her hand affectionately across my cheek. “You’re a beautiful young woman, Bayley. Don’t ever forget that.” She picks up her handbag off the hall seat and shakes her head. “That chest! I still can’t quite fathom how we left it behind. And for everything to be in such good condition after all these years – says a lot for camphor wood.”
    I turn away from the mirror. “Gran – I’m sorry about before … those things I said …”
    “No need for apologies. I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have let it get to me like that. That chest – well, seeing all those things of Celina’s, it threw me.” She pushes another stray curl out of my eye. “And you’re right, you’re just like Celina – the resemblance is uncanny, actually, and I can’t explain why I hadn’t noticed it before. Forgive me?”
    “Sure – but it … it all makes me feel a little weird.”
    “There’s nothing weird about it. It’s called genetics – Celina was your mum’s cousin. That’s all there is to it. Now, what I should have been telling you, Bayley, is how proud I am of you – the way you have been holding your family together, it’s been extraordinary, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed.”
    I shake my head. “But Gran, how can you say that? We’re in bits. I’ve done nothing but–”
    “You have shown great gumption. And I’ve been feeling more than a little guilty about not doing my share – always tied up with the Soup Van and everything – when I should have been there for you lot more. Anyhow, I’m rectifying that now.”
    “You shouldn’t have to rectify anything,” I say and mean it. “Besides, what are Missy Moo and Arnold doing without you?”
    “Ha! They’re doing fine. Missy Moo even has a job. Casual, and not enough for her to make rent, but she’s chuffed about it.” I watch Gran’s face – shining like a Christmas tree – as she talks about the Soup Van, and it strikes me that that’s where she should be. I am sad and guilty and grateful all at once.
    Mum rushes past Gran and passes me a basket. “Here take this to the car, will you? And make sure Seth’s been to the loo.” She tears up the stairs. “Come
, Amelia. Everyone is waiting.”
    The basket is heavy, filled with the spoils of Mum and Gran’s baking extravaganza afternoon: chocolate chip muffins, melting moment biscuits, citrus tarts. The way the items

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