Polls Apart
of abuse, she and her sister had killed their stepfather shortly after their mother’s death from alcoholism.
    Lloyd will join eight other women who have overcome extreme adversity, including forty-three-year-old dinner lady, Maggie Rae, who fought off armed attackers at a school in Manchester in July last year.
    Mrs Rae barricaded herself and a hundred children into the school dining room, forcing the mob – who were looking for a rival gang member – to give up their search and leave without harming anyone.
    Davis’s hand of friendship to Lloyd follows a remarkable turnaround in political fortunes for him in the polls, which now put his Alliance Party just a few points behind the SDP . Williams has been unable to stave off an Alliance onslaught following his decision to separate from Lloyd in the aftermath of tabloid claims that she previously worked as an escort girl.
    But the Prime Minister’s decision to invite Lloyd to the lunch at Number 10 did not win the support of all his parliamentary colleagues. Alliance backbencher Lizzie Ancroft said the actress was “not worthy of a place at a table honouring courageous women”.
    She added: “The sordid allegations about Anna Lloyd’s past along with the revelation that she has a previous conviction for the manslaughter of her stepfather, have only added fuel to the publicity juggernaut surrounding this attention-seeking actress.
    “I am disappointed that the Prime Minister has chosen to join the circus, turning what should have been a celebration of bravery into little more than a charade.”
    “Do you want me to run through everyone’s names one more time?” Reggie asked, as he broke into a trot in an attempt to keep up with Kelvin’s trademark brisk walk through the halls of Number 10 .
    “No, I think I’ve got it thank you. Where’s Lloyd sitting in relation to me?”
    “You’re at the top of the table and she’ll be sitting to your left. You’ll have Anita Blaine on your right – the woman who…”
    “Rescued a drunk from a drain, I remember.”
    “Well, it was more of a flooded ditch than a drain…”
    “I’ve got it Reggie. Where’s Alfie sitting?”
    “The Home Secretary’s in the middle of the table and Minister for Women at the opposite end to you.”
    Kelvin paused briefly just before they reached the door to the reception room.
    “Well, I hope they’ve put the knives away,” he said with a wry smile.
    “I’ll be sitting next to a convicted killer, Reggie. You can’t be too careful.”
    “Oh,” said Reggie, looking concerned.
    “Don’t worry, Reg. I’m used to fighting women off.” Kelvin winked at his press secretary before making his grand entrance into the room.
    Anna tried to remain focused on the very broad Mancunian dinner lady who had accosted her as soon as she’d walked into the reception room, but she couldn’t help but steal a long glance at Kelvin as he walked in. She hadn’t seen him up close in at least four months and she thought he’d lost a bit of weight around his midriff. His hair was slicked back as usual, and he’d chosen a bright pink tie for the occasion – clearly to show his feminine side, Anna thought. She had never known quite what to make of Kelvin. While he was a hugely charismatic and engaging character, there was more than a small element of slime around him and it was clear he had an eye for the ladies. He especially enjoyed giving long, lingering glances – of which Anna had been at the receiving end of more than a few. And within a few seconds of entering the room, his eyes had found her out and he was, indeed, staring at her. Anna focused intently on the dinner lady again, who was enjoying a long rant along the lines of “Don’t worry love, all men are shits”. Anna nodded appreciatively and hoped the next two hours would pass quickly.
    Kelvin, who had already greeted a couple of courageous women, quickly sidestepped his way towards Anna.
    “My dear,” he said, in

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